New Year in Pyhä: Kultakero

Do you want a different way to celebrate New Year's Eve? Discover Pyhä, a small village located in the northernmost region of Finland. In this destination, you can enjoy outdoor activities, learn about the Sami culture, and indulge in local gastronomy in an incomparable natural environment. Special departure on December 28th from Barcelona on a direct flight.

Approximate price per family:
8765 $

Celebrate an unforgettable New Year's Eve in the extraordinary region of Lapland. Imagine spending the day immersed in a magical landscape of snow-covered forests and hills. Experience a reindeer or husky sleigh safari, take a fishing class on frozen lakes under the guidance of experts, or even visit an amethyst mine. At the end of your stay, you can't miss the opportunity to meet Santa Claus and live unique and unforgettable moments. And of course, there is no better way to welcome the New Year than with a New Year's Eve that will be etched in your memory forever. Join us and celebrate the arrival of the new year in Lapland!

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Day 1. Barcelona / Rovaniemi / Pyhä

Arrival at the airport. Meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a special direct flight to Rovaniemi. Snack included onboard. Arrival. Meet with our guide and transfer to Pyhä (approx. 1 hour 45 minutes), where our accommodation is located. Arrival. Pick up the thermal suits that we can use throughout our stay in Lapland. Once settled, we will enjoy dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Day 2. Pyhä - Amethyst Mine Visit and Ice Fishing

Breakfast at the hotel. We begin our adventure with a day in nature, starting with a bus transfer to Ukko-Luosto to visit the Amethyst Mine. We will use the Pendolino (a small carriage pulled by a snow removal machine), which takes us to the top of Lampivaara, in the middle of Pyhä-Luosto National Park. The visit will begin with information and stories about the mine. After the explanation, we will head to the excavation area where we will have the opportunity to dig and find our own lucky amethyst. Light lunch during the excursion. We then continue to a large frozen lake by bus, where a fisherman will teach us how to fish with nets under the ice. It is a complicated and fascinating technique to observe. He will also show us the fishing technique with small rods that the Sami people have used for generations in Lapland. Each participant will have time to try their luck with the fishing rod through the ice. First, everyone will have to make their own hole and then attempt to fish. In this lake, we can find perch, pike, and lake herring. The feeling of walking on top of the ice, imagining that in summer it is more than 10 meters deep, is something completely inexplicable and you have to try it. Return to the hotel. Special Christmas Eve dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 3. Pyhä - Snowmobile Safari, Karting, and Mini Snowmobiles

Breakfast at the hotel. We put on our thermal suits again for one of the most spectacular excursions you can do in Lapland, a snowmobile safari. Local guides will explain how to drive them (in reality, it's very simple as they have no gears...) and the basic safety rules. During the journey, we will feel the power of these machines as we pass through the picturesque Lappish landscapes of snowy forests and frozen lakes. We will make a stop at a cabin by a frozen lake where we can admire the winter scenery and take photos of the Arctic forest. Light lunch in a Lappish kota. The kotas are the typical tents of the Sami people (Lapps), similar in shape to teepees or Native American tents. Afterwards, we will transfer to the karting track, where we will enjoy a completely new experience: driving special karts designed for snow or ice. Driving the karts is very easy, and this activity can be enjoyed by everyone (adults or children) with a minimum height of 150 cm (required to reach the accelerator and brake pedals). Children who are unable to drive the karts can take a ride in a special kart with a passenger seat driven by the guide and drive a snowmobiles, an experience they will undoubtedly not forget. Return to Pyhä and free time that can be used to enjoy a relaxing sauna or do some downhill skiing at the Pyhä alpine ski resort, located near the complex. The guide will inform you about the schedules, as you have a 3-hour lift pass and ski equipment included. Ask your guide about the lift ticket and ski equipment. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Day 4. Pyhä - Husky and Reindeer Safari

Breakfast at the hotel. We begin another day full of adventures. In the morning, we will transfer to a husky farm, where we will learn about the life of Arctic dogs and take a ride with these charming animals. Riding in a husky-drawn sled is one of the most thrilling Arctic activities. Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight. Light lunch at a local restaurant before we move on to a nearby reindeer farm. We will learn many interesting facts about these animals and experience the most traditional form of transportation in Lapland: a reindeer sleigh ride. The reindeer herder will take us on a journey where we can enjoy the winter nature that surrounds us. This ride is ideal for appreciating the snowy landscape, taking photos, and capturing videos. Return to the hotel. Rest of the day free. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 5. Pyhä - Snowshoeing Excursion and Meeting with Santa Claus

Breakfast at the hotel. In the morning, we will engage in an activity that is enjoyed by both young and old: a snowshoeing hike through the forests near Pyhä. If we're lucky, we may come across some animal tracks, and perhaps even spot some of these animals. Our guide will talk to us about the nature of the Lapland region and share interesting facts about the area. Lunch on your own. In the afternoon, the moment that all the children have been waiting for will arrive: the visit of our beloved friend, Santa Claus. While we wait to have a chat with him as a family, we can enjoy the hotel facilities or play games in the snow. We will have a great time with him, chatting, taking photos together, and each child will receive a gift from the most endearing character of Lapland and Christmas. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Day 6. Pyhä / Rovaniemi / Barcelona

Breakfast at the hotel. It's time to say goodbye to Lapland. Free time until the designated time for transfer to Rovaniemi airport. Check-in procedures and departure on a special direct flight to Barcelona. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Majestic and delicate, silent and beautiful, this natural reserve called Lapland presents itself, offering the largest national parks in Finland, where the Sami people jealously guard their culture, language, and traditions. Traveling to Lapland means doing so without haste and with respect, ready to enjoy an exotic destination. Winter is an exceptional time to travel to Lapland, a paradise for nature lovers: lakes, forests, hills, rivers, and beautiful untouched landscapes welcome you covered in snow during the magical winter. Travel to Lapland and get ready to enjoy authentic snowmobile safaris, sled rides pulled by huskies or reindeer, and meet Santa Claus himself. After so many adventures, relax in a typical and essential sauna. This magical region is the most suitable place to, with luck, witness the spectacular Northern Lights, a fantastic phenomenon of Arctic nature that turns the sky into an impressive display of green, yellow, and red colors. We are Santa Claus in Lapland, we are trips to Lapland.

Celebra una Nochevieja inolvidable en la extraordinaria región de Laponia. Imagina pasar el día inmerso en un paisaje mágico de bosques y colinas cubiertos de nieve. Experimenta un safari en trineo de renos o perros husky, una clase de pesca en los lagos congelados bajo la dirección de expertos, o incluso visita una mina de amatistas. Al final de tu estancia, no puedes perderte la oportunidad de conocer a Papá Noel y vivir momentos únicos e irrepetibles. Y por supuesto, no hay mejor manera de dar la bienvenida al Año Nuevo que con una Nochevieja que quedará grabada en tu memoria para siempre. ¡Únete a nosotros y celebra la llegada del nuevo año en Laponia!

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Día 1. Barcelona / Rovaniemi /Pyhä

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que te ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo con destino Rovaniemi. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada. Encuentro con nuestro guía y traslado a Pyhä (aprox. 1h 45 min), donde se encuentra nuestro alojamiento. Llegada. Recogida de los trajes térmicos que podremos usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Una vez instalados degustaremos una cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Día 2. Pyhä - Visita a la mina de amatistas y pesca en el hielo

Desayuno en el hotel. Comenzamos nuestra aventura con un día en la naturaleza con el traslado en autobús a Ukko-Luosto para visitar la mina de amatistas. Utilizaremos el pendolino (un pequeño vagón tirado por una máquina quitanieves), que nos lleva a la cima de Lampivaara, en medio del Parque Nacional Pyhä-Luosto. La visita comenzará con información e historias de la mina. Después de la explicación nos dirigimos al área de excavación donde tendremos la oportunidad de excavar y obtener nuestra propia amatista de la suerte. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Continuamos hasta un gran lago helado en autobús donde un pescador nos enseñará como pescar con redes por debajo del hielo. Es una técnica complicada y curiosa de observar. También nos enseñará la técnica de pesca, con pequeñas cañas que han usado los samis durante generaciones en Laponia. Cada participante tendrá tiempo para probar suerte con la caña a través del hielo. Primero cada uno tendrá que realizar su propio agujero y a continuación intentar pescar. En este lago podremos encontrar percas, lucios y arenques de lago. La sensación de caminar por el encima del hielo, imaginándose que en verano tiene más de 10 metros de profundidad, es algo totalmente inexplicable y tenéis que probarlo. Regreso al hotel. Cena en restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 3. Pyhä - Safari en motos de nieve, karting y minimotos

Desayuno en el hotel. Nos ponemos de nuevo los trajes térmicos para realizar una de las excursiones más espectaculares que se pueden hacer en Laponia, una excursión en motos de nieve. Los guías locales nos explicarán cómo se conducen (en realidad es muy simple pues no tienen marchas…) y las reglas básicas de seguridad. Durante la travesía podremos sentir la potencia de estas máquinas a su paso por los bucólicos paisajes lapones de bosques nevados y lagos helados. Haremos una parada en una cabaña junto a un lago congelado donde podremos admirar el paisaje invernal y tomar fotos del bosque ártico. Almuerzo ligero en una kota lapona. Las kotas son las típicas tiendas de los samis (lapones) con forma similar a los teepees o tiendas de los indios americanos. A continuación, nos trasladaremos al circuito de karting, donde disfrutaremos de una experiencia totalmente nueva: conducir karts especiales para desplazarse sobre la nieve o hielo. Pilotar los karts es muy fácil y esta actividad la pueden realizar todas las personas (adultos o niños) con una altura mínima de 150 cm (necesaria para llegar a los pedales de acelerador y freno). Los niños que no puedan pilotar los karts podrán dar un paseo en un kart especial con asiento de pasajero conducido por el guía y conducir una mini-motonieve, una experiencia que sin duda no olvidarán Regreso a Pyhä y tiempo libre que pueden aprovechar para practicar una relajante sauna o realizar algunas bajadas de esquí en la estación de esquí alpino de Pyhä, situada cercana al complejo. El guía os informará de horarios, ya que disponéis de un forfait de 3 horas y material de esquí incluido. Preguntad a vuestro guía por el ticket de los remontes y el material de esquí. Cena en restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Día 4. Pyhä - Safari de huskies y renos

Desayuno en el hotel. Comenzamos otro día lleno de aventuras. Por la mañana nos trasladaremos a una granja de huskies, aprenderemos cómo es la vida de los perros árticos y realizaremos un paseo con estos encantadores animales. Pasear en un trineo tirado por huskies es una de las actividades árticas más emocionantes. Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar hasta siete veces su propio peso. Almuerzo ligero en restaurante local antes de trasladarnos a una granja de renos cercana. Aprenderemos muchas curiosidades y datos de estos animales y probaremos la forma más tradicional de transporte en Laponia: un trineo de renos. El pastor de renos nos llevará por un recorrido donde podremos disfrutar de la naturaleza invernal que nos rodea. Este paseo es ideal para poder disfrutar del paisaje nevado, hacer fotos y grabar videos. Regreso al hotel. Resto de tiempo libre. Cena especial de Fin de Año en restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Pyhä - Excursión en raquetas de nieve y encuentro con Santa Claus

Desayuno en el hotel. Por la mañana realizaremos una actividad que gusta tanto a mayores como a pequeños, un paseo en raquetas de nieve por los bosques cercanos a Pyhä. Si tenemos suerte podremos observar algunas huellas de animales del bosque, tal vez incluso podamos ver alguno de estos animales. El guía nos hablará de la naturaleza en la región de Laponia y nos contará alguna que otra curiosidad de estos lugares. Almuerzo libre. Por la tarde llegará el momento que todos los niños estaban esperando; la visita de nuestro entrañable amigo Santa Claus. Mientras esperamos para entrar a charlar con él con nuestra familia, podremos disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel o realizar juegos en la nieve. Pasaremos un buen rato con él, podremos charlar, tomar unas fotos juntos y cada niño recibirá un regalo de manos del personaje más entrañable de Laponia y de la Navidad. Cena en restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Día 6. Pyhä / Rovaniemi / Barcelona

Desayuno en el hotel. Es hora de decir adiós a Laponia. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado al aeropuerto de Rovaniemi. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo especial directo con destino Barcelona. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

Pyhä viajes a laponia

Majestuosa y delicada, silenciosa y bella, así se presenta esta reserva natural llamada Laponia, que ofrece los parques nacionales más grandes de Finlandia, donde el pueblo sami guarda celosamente su cultura, idioma y tradiciones. Viajar a Laponia es hacerlo sin prisas y de manera respetuosa, dispuesto a disfrutar de un destino exótico. El invierno es una época excepcional de viaje a Laponia, un paraíso para los amantes de la naturaleza: lagos, bosques, colinas, ríos y hermosos parajes intactos te dan la bienvenida cubiertos de nieve durante el mágico invierno. Viaja a Laponia y prepárate para disfrutar de auténticos safaris en moto de nieve, de trineos arrastrados por perros huskies o renos, de conocer al mismísimo Santa Claus. Después de tantas aventuras, relájate en una típica e imprescindible sauna. Esta mágica región es la más adecuada para, con suerte, poder ver la espectacular Aurora Boreal, un fantástico fenómeno de la naturaleza ártica que convierte al cielo en un impresionante espectáculo de colores verdes, amarillos y rojos. Somos Santa Claus in Lapland, somos viajes a Laponia

pyha hotel laponia

Kultakero hotel

Kultakero Hotel is a newly constructed hotel with a cozy atmosphere. The rooms and apartments are located in the heart of the village of Pyhä, just a few steps away from the slopes and services. In the main square, new shops, restaurants, rental stores, a ski school, and fitness services have been built, all conveniently close to the National Park.

  • Rakka Room: These are luxurious rooms. They have 25 square meters of space and feature two 90 cm beds and an additional bed.
  • Tokka Apartment: This is a spacious apartment of 29 square meters that can accommodate 4 people. It has an entrance, a sleeping loft, and a small terrace.
  • Pore Apartment: A modern and bright corner apartment located in the heart of the village. It offers 55 square meters of space with two bedrooms, a sauna, and a jacuzzi. It can accommodate 5 people.

Program from December 28, 2023 to January 2, 2024
Family Accommodation Price
1 adult + 2 children Tokka Apartment $8765
1 adult + 2 children Pore Apartment $9879
2 adults + 1 child Tokka Apartment $9235
2 adults + 1 child Pore Apartment $10349
2 adults + 2 children Tokka Apartment $11565
2 adults + 2 children Pore Apartment $12699
2 adults + 3 children Pore Apartment $15039
3 adults + 2 children Pore Apartment $15499
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Barcelona to Rovaniemi
Snacks on board
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
Includes boots and thermal jumpsuit
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
5 nights accommodation in Kultakero hotel
Full board according to itinerary
Visit to Santa Claus and private meeting
Snowshoe excursion
Reindeer sleigh ride
Snowmobiles, karting and mini snowmobiles
Husky sleigh ride
Visit to the amethyst mine
Ice fishing
A gift for each child age 11 and under
Complete online documentation and gifts
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule
12/28/2023 Barcelona 09:00 Rovaniemi 14:40
01/02/2024 Rovaniemi 16:40 Barcelona 20:10
You'll be interested to know
Full board (including water jug) is provided, except for lunches on December 27th and 28th as specified in the itinerary.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules may be subject to changes and will be confirmed prior to the departure date.
The prices for snowmobile and sled excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age, depending on their weight and height, will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. It is mandatory to have a valid European driver's license for cars in order to drive the snowmobiles and to carry it during the excursion.
All snowmobiles have comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as snow or accumulated ice) and for safety reasons, excursions may experience changes in itinerary, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
When the group size is large, it may be divided into smaller groups, making the operation simpler and more convenient for passengers. Therefore, the schedule or order of services during the excursions may be altered for this reason, without modifying the overall content of the excursion. Your local guides will inform you in advance of the schedule for your excursions.
The organizer does not guarantee the weather conditions, snow, or accumulated ice necessary to carry out the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the realization of an excursion, and it must be canceled, an alternative activity will be offered or the amount will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled or partially if the conditions do not allow for its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not allowed incurs high fines, which can amount up to 4500 euros per person.
The client is responsible for the keys to the cabins, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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