Nilikuru - Lapland

The Nilikuru cabins are located in Saariselkä, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, in a privileged natural enclave surrounded by pristine and untouched Lapland wilderness. The hills of Saariselkä offer an unparalleled Arctic landscape, surrounded by snowy forests and frozen lakes. It's a perfect place to explore on a snowmobile, take rides on husky or reindeer sleighs, visit Santa Claus in his forest home... or simply enjoy nature. You might even have the chance to see the stunning Northern Lights. Welcome to Lapland! We look forward to your visit!

Approximate price per family:
7995 $

Saariselkä, a municipality located over 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, in a privileged natural setting, is the white paradise of Lapland. Its hills reveal an unmistakable Arctic landscape, surrounded by magnificent frozen lakes and numerous snow-covered forests. Within a short distance, you'll find the Saariselkä alpine ski resort, perfect for skiers of all levels. The opinions of countless travelers who have been able to enjoy this wonderful experience are undoubtedly our greatest guarantee.

Day 1. Seville / Ivalo / Saariselkä

Arrival at our destination. Presentation at the airport. Meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a special direct flight to Ivalo. Snack included on board. Meet your guide and transfer to Saariselkä (approx. 30 min.). Arrival. Upon arrival in Saariselkä, we will collect the thermal equipment that we can use throughout our stay in Lapland. Once settled, we will enjoy a delicious welcome dinner delivered to our cabin. Accommodation.

Day 2. Saariselkä: Husky Safari

Catered breakfast delivered to your cabin. We will begin our adventure in Lapland with an excursion that will remain in our memories for a long time. We will have the opportunity to drive a sled pulled by a team of husky dogs, just like real mushers. Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight. Their handlers will share many more interesting facts with us before we embark on the ride. We will enjoy a light lunch during the excursion. The afternoon is free, and you can take advantage of it to go downhill skiing at the Saariselkä alpine ski resort, located a short distance from our accommodation. It is easy to ski there, and in just a couple of hours, you can enjoy many runs as there are usually no queues at the lifts. Saariselkä typically keeps its slopes open until well into May, and many of them are illuminated. Our guides will provide you with information on schedules, lift pass prices, and equipment rental. Dinner is on your own. Accommodation.

Day 3. Saariselkä: Ice Fishing, Snowmobile Safari, and Visit to Santa Claus

Catered breakfast delivered to your cabin. Get ready for another incredible day in nature. We will start the day with one of the most spectacular excursions of the trip: a snowmobile safari. We will be provided with helmets and gloves, and after receiving instructions from our guides, we will begin our snowmobile journey. The adults will drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile), while the children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. During the ride, we will feel the power of these machines and enjoy the snowy forests. We will reach a frozen lake, where we will complete the adventure with ice fishing. A fisherman will teach us how to fish on the ice, and each participant will have a chance to try their luck with a fishing rod through the hole in the ice. We will continue our adventure through the forest until we reach a wooden cabin, where Santa's elves will serve us a delicious light lunch. After lunch, the moment that all the children have been waiting for will arrive. Each family will be taken by sled to a cabin in the woods where Santa Claus himself awaits. Santa Claus will greet each family privately, and they will have a wonderful time chatting, taking photos, and each child will receive a gift from the most beloved character of Lapland and Christmas. While we wait, the children can have fun with snow activities, such as wooden sleds or decorating gingerbread in the cabin. Return to accommodation. Dinner is on your own. Accommodation.

Day 4. Saariselkä: Reindeer Safari

Catered breakfast delivered to your cabin. We will start another day of activities with a transfer to a reindeer farm where Lapland's reindeer herders will talk to us about their way of life. We will take a reindeer sleigh ride and learn about the reindeer and their herders. Enjoy a light lunch during the excursion. The rest of the day is free for you to enjoy the accommodation, the snow, or go skiing. Dinner is on your own. Accommodation.

Day 5. Saariselkä / Ivalo / Sevilla

Return flight. Catered breakfast delivered to your cabin. Free time until the indicated time for transfer. You can enjoy some relaxation before the return journey. We can't leave Lapland without experiencing a relaxing sauna. Sauna is a tradition in Finland. Although the Finns didn't invent it, they have the highest number of saunas per capita; almost one sauna for every 2 inhabitants, and they are the most frequent sauna-goers. Departure to Ivalo Airport. Check-in procedures and direct flight to Sevilla. Snack on board included. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

Saariselkä, municipio que se encuentra más de 200 km en el norte del Círculo Polar Ártico, en un entorno natural privilegiado, es el paraíso blanco de Laponia. Sus colinas nos enseñan un paisaje ártico inconfundible, rodeadas de grandiosos lagos helados y multitud de bosques cubiertos de nieve. A poca distancia encontramos la estación de esquí alpino de Saariselkä, perfecta para esquiadores de cualquier nivel. La opinión de multitud viajeros que han podido disfrutar de esta maravillosa experiencia es, sin duda, nuestra mayor garantía.

Día 1. Sevilla / Ivalo / Saariselkä

Llegada a nuestro destino Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Ivalo. Snack a bordo incluido. Encuentro con su guía y traslado a Saariselkä (aprox. 30 min.). Llegada. A su llegada a Saariselkä recogeremos los equipos térmicos que podremos usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Una vez instalados degustaremos una deliciosa cena de bienvenida que nos entregarán en la cabaña. Alojamiento.

Día 2. Saariselkä: Safari de huskies

Desayuno catering entregado en su cabaña. Comenzaremos nuestra aventura en Laponia con una excursión que perdurará en nuestra memoria durante mucho tiempo, ya que podremos conducir, como auténticos mushers un trineo tirado por un equipo de perros huskies. Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar de hasta siete veces su propio peso. Ésto y muchas más curiosidades nos las explicarán sus preparadores antes de realizar el paseo. Degustaremos un almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Tarde libre que pueden aprovechar para hacer algunas bajadas esquiando en la estación de esquí alpino de Saariselkä, situada a corta distancia de nuestro alojamiento por lo que le resultará muy sencillo esquiar y en tan sólo un par de horas puede disfrutar de muchas bajadas ya que no suele haber colas en los remontadores. Saariselkä tiene sus pistas abiertas, habitualmente hasta bien entrado el mes de Mayo y muchas de ellas iluminadas. Nuestros guías le informarán de horarios, precios de forfaits y material de alquiler. Cena libre. Alojamiento.

Día 3. Saariselkä: Pesca en hielo, safari en motos de nieve y visita a Santa Claus

Desayuno catering entregado en su cabaña. Nos preparamos para pasar otro día increíble en la naturaleza. Comenzaremos el día con una de las excursiones más espectaculares del viaje, un safari en moto de nieve. Para ello, nos proveerán de cascos y guantes y tras las instrucciones de los guías, iniciaremos nuestro recorrido en moto de nieve. Los adultos conduciremos las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la moto de nieve del guía. Durante el trayecto podremos sentir la potencia de estas máquinas y disfrutar de los bosques nevados. Llegaremos a un lago helado, donde completaremos la aventura con la práctica de pesca. Un pescador nos enseñará como pescar en el hielo, cada participante tendrá tiempo para probar suerte con la caña a través del agujero hecho en el hielo. Seguiremos nuestra aventura por el bosque hasta llegar a una cabaña de madera donde algunos duendes de Santa Claus nos servirán un rico almuerzo ligero. Después del almuerzo llegará el momento que todos los niños estaban esperando. Cada familia será trasladada en trineo hasta una cabaña en el bosque donde se encuentra el mismísimo Santa Claus. Santa Claus recibirá a cada familia de forma privada y podrán pasar un buen rato con él, charlar, tomar fotos… cada niño recibirá un regalo de manos del personaje más entrañable de Laponia y de la Navidad. Mientras esperamos los niños podrán divertirse con actividades en la nieve con trineos de madera, decorando panes de jengibre en la cabaña… Regreso al alojamiento. Cena libre. Alojamiento.

Día 4. Saariselkä: Safari de renos

Desayuno catering entregado en su cabaña. Comenzaremos otro día de actividades con el traslado a una granja de renos donde sus criadores lapones nos hablarán donde su modo de vida. Realizaremos un paseo en trineo y aprenderemos sobre la vida de los renos y sus pastores. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Resto del día libre a su disposición para disfrutar del alojamiento, de la nieve o realizar algunas bajadas de esquí. Cena libre. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Saariselkä / Ivalo / Sevilla

Vuelo de regreso Desayuno catering entregado en su cabaña. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. Pueden disfrutar de un rato de relax antes del regreso. No nos podemos ir de Laponia sin practicar una relajante sauna. La sauna en Finlandia es toda una tradición. Aunque los fineses no la inventaron sí que son el país con mayor cantidad de saunas por habitante; casi una sauna por cada 2 habitantes y los que la practican con mayor asiduidad. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Ivalo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino Sevilla. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

Nilikuru Cabins

The Nilikuru cabins are located in Saariselkä, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, in a privileged natural enclave surrounded by untouched and pristine nature of Lapland. The hills of Saariselkä offer an incomparable Arctic landscape, surrounded by snowy forests and frozen lakes. It is a perfect place to explore on snowmobiles, take rides on husky or reindeer sleds, meet Santa Claus in his forest home, or simply enjoy nature. You may even have the chance to see an impressive Northern Lights display. These authentic log cabins are situated in the center of Saariselkä. They have an approximate area of 100 m² spread over 2 floors, elegantly decorated and equipped with a private sauna, TV, living room, fireplace, fully equipped kitchen with a dishwasher, and free Wi-Fi. They have 2 or 3 double bedrooms, each with its own toilet, a sauna area with 2 showers, and a loft bedroom with 2 beds.

Departure on December 6, 2023 from Seville
Family Price
1 adult + 2 children $7995
2 adults + 1 child $8395
2 adults + 2 children $10495
2 adults + 3 children $12495
3 adults + 2 children $12995


Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%


Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Sevilla to Ivalo (roundtrip)
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay (including boots and jumpsuit)
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights accommodation in the Nilikuru cabins
1 set of sheets and towels per person.
Final cleaning of accommodation.
Full board (according to program)
Catered breakfast delivered to your cabin.
Light lunches during excursions.
1 welcome dinner delivered to your cabin.
All activities, excursions and safaris according to the program
Husky sledding safari
Reindeer sleigh ride
Ice fishing
Private meeting with Santa Claus
1 gift per child aged 11 or under
Complete online documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule
12/06/2023 Sevilla 09:00 Ivalo 15:30
12/10/2023 Ivalo 15:30 Sevilla 20:10
You'll be interested to know
Daily cleaning (not included in the price)
The prices of optional activities are valid for reservations made up to 30 days before departure subject to availability of places.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
The prices for snowmobile and sled excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age, depending on their weight and height, will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile.
It is mandatory to have a valid European driver's license for cars in order to drive the snowmobiles and to carry it during the excursion.
All snowmobiles have comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as snow or accumulated ice) and for safety reasons, excursions may experience changes in itinerary, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
The organizer does not guarantee the weather conditions, snow, or accumulated ice necessary to carry out the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the realization of an excursion, and it must be canceled, an alternative activity will be offered or the amount will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled or partially if the conditions do not allow for its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted may result in high fines, which can reach up to 4500 euros per person.
The customer is responsible for the keys to the apartments, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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