Morocco: January

Salam family! Follow with us the star that guides the Three Wise Men of the East and discover why everything around them is filled with magic! Catario, the best dromedary rider, is ready to embark on a new adventure in the desert of southern Morocco with his Berber friends... Join him!

Approximate price per family:
3206 $

At Barcelona airport, we will begin our adventure. Three expert arenologists are heading to southern Morocco to analyze new grains of sand and share their knowledge. They are aware that this area is being traversed by the Three Wise Men and dream of being able to find them... Catario, a renowned sand composition explorer, accompanies us on our journey. He always travels with his friendly pet, an expert all-terrain sand digger who is always looking for "little treats" from families. He always wears his pith helmet and tries to put on a turban underneath, but he never succeeds because he gets all tangled up with it... We will also be accompanied by Rastrillo, who is a collector of sands from around the world and an expert in the ceremony of selecting grains. Ever since she was a child, playing on the beaches of Benidorm with her parents named Dunas and Oasis, she has been completely obsessed with rolling around in the sand. She has developed a technique to carry as much sand as possible in her socks, and she will collect samples that Catario will later analyze. Pala, an expert gemologist who collects minerals and fossils found in the desert, will also be with them. Pizpireta photographs them and creates jewelry with the findings, proudly showing them to families. She is known for her skill in bargaining and bartering, to the point that the markets of Morocco tremble when they see her coming! Pala is eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Three Wise Men and always carries her letter with her. She gets very nervous at the thought of possibly encountering them... One of the Three Wise Men has lost his crown. Pala will analyze the gems of the found crown and she is the only one who can tell us if it is authentic! With our help, will Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala be able to return it to its rightful owner? To accomplish this, we will experience numerous adventures in the desert, explore the tracks in 4x4 vehicles, see fossils millions of years old, encounter nomads, and even sleep in authentic haimas under the starry sky.

ziz marruecos

Day 1. Barcelona / Errachidia / Tombouctu - Outbound Flight.

Three expert arenologists will join us on our flight to Morocco because they also want to meet the Three Wise Men. They will be the best companions for the adventure that awaits us... We depart on a special direct flight to Errachidia, and after less than two hours of flying, we will arrive in this small town in southern Morocco, where we will be greeted with local folk music in true Berber style. Once we have our luggage, we will set off with Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala in 4x4 vehicles heading south. Situated in the Ziz River Valley, in the palm grove of Tafilalet, Tombouctu is a small city in the middle of the desert, at the gateway to the Sahara. During the journey, we will make a stop to admire the breathtaking panoramic view of the Ziz Valley palm grove from a high vantage point, where we will replenish our energy with a snack. After the break, we will descend in our off-road vehicles to see the local houses before continuing to our destination. In this beautiful city, we will experience our first adventures. Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala will share many more things with us, and we will learn from them in this lovely country of contrasts. We will enjoy dinner at the hotel in Tombouctu, where we will also spend the night.

marruecos rissani

Day 2. Tombouctu / Jorf Wells / Merzouga / Tombouctu - 4x4 Excursion.

We will start the day with a delicious buffet breakfast at the hotel to fuel ourselves for another day full of adventures. For the moms and dads, it's time to try the famous Moroccan tea. In all the restaurants of the Xaluca hotels, during breakfast and dinner, you will always find tea in the traditional Berber style. You won't have tasted anything like it before, so have as much as you want! After breakfast, we will set off with our new friends, Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala, for a 4x4 excursion to the Jorf area, where we will discover a plain with scattered wells. It looks like a lunar landscape. The wells, called "khettarat," are an ancient irrigation system known since ancient Persia more than 3000 years ago. Next, we will head to Jebel Lamdawar, a magical place that has been the setting for several film productions such as The Mummy, Sahara, Babel, and Hidalgo. In June 2015, the largest explosion in the history of cinematography took place there for the film Spectre, featuring the famous actor Daniel Craig (James Bond 007). With Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala, we will continue until we reach the hotel in Tombouctu, where we will have some free time. In the evening, we will enjoy a buffet dinner accompanied by folklore. After dinner, we will have a great time in the hotel's chillout area.

marruecos sahara desierto dromedarios

Day 3. Tombouctu / Rissana / Erg Chebbi - Fossil quarry, lunch in an oasis, meeting with  the Three Wise Men, and night in haimas.

And the day we've been waiting for has arrived! We will start the day with a hearty buffet breakfast before setting off on the tracks that are used for rallies like the famous Merzuga Rally, until we reach the fossil quarries where we can find different types of fossils that are over 360 million years old with our own hands. Along with Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala, we will arrive in Rissani, a historic city built on the remains of the medieval city of Sijilmassa, an important trade center in the 16th century. We will visit its typical and traditional market, which operates three days a week and is the largest in the area. The inhabitants of the surrounding "ksars" and the desert nomads come here to stock up. We will be able to see different traditional crafts such as barbers and blacksmiths... The donkey parking lot is a very curious place that is worth visiting. With Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala, we will continue our journey, enjoying a marvelous landscape and observing the way of life of the Berber nomads until we reach an oasis in the middle of the desert where we will have lunch. We can rest and recharge our energy for the adventure that awaits us today. We will continue our journey to the magnificent Erg Chebbi (Dunes Desert), with its fine sand, where we will exchange our 4x4 vehicles for the most famous animal-powered vehicle in the desert, camels! We will venture into the dunes and from the top, we will be able to witness an unforgettable sunset. We will continue on camels to our haimas camp, where we will spend the night like authentic nomads. The Three Wise Men pass through this desert area during their journey to the West. It will be a unique and special moment for the youngest members of the family! We will have the opportunity to deliver our letters and receive a small preview of the gifts. Could Pala determine if the gems she found were authentic? If so, will we be able to return them to the Wise Men? After this magical moment, we can enjoy a dinner in the authentic Berber style with folklore before going to sleep under the incredible starry sky of the desert, in a modern yet authentic haima with a private bathroom.

amanecer marruecos
Day 4. Erg Chebbi / Erfoud - Desert safari, Rissani market, and kasbah tour.

"Appointment with the Sunrise"... when we sleep in the desert, it is recommended to wake up a little early to walk to the top of the Great Dune and witness the sunrise. What better way to start our last day in this country of contrasts than with a unique spectacle that is worth experiencing. Later, we will enjoy our final breakfast in Morocco before setting off in our 4x4 vehicles, circling the Erg, and bidding farewell to the desert. We continue our adventure today towards the abandoned village of Merdani, where only two families reside. From there, we will reach the M'Fis Mines, which are currently practically abandoned, with only a few military families living in a surveillance post in the area. Our next stop will be the Sudanese-origin village of Khamlia, where the inhabitants will treat us to their traditional dances and mint tea. We will embark on a kasbah tour with the possibility of visiting one that was a residence of the Sultan Alaouite Mulay Hafid's family in the 19th century. Arrival in Erfoud, where we will enjoy a delicious lunch at a pizzeria. Erfoud has an important souk and market, located near the central square and close to the river. Its Royal Palace is the only one in Morocco located in the Sahara Desert. The rest of the afternoon will be spent at the hotel, where the children can play with Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala, and the adults can relax after the day in the desert with a good hammam (Turkish bath), a jacuzzi, a massage, or simply a swim in the hotel's heated pool. Dinner at the hotel with some surprises from Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala.

marruecos sahara desierto

Day 5. Erfoud / Errachidia / Barcelona - Return flight.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. Free time until the transfer to Errachidia airport for our direct return flight to Barcelona. Catario, Rastrillo, and Pala have been the best companions during our adventure. It will be sad to say goodbye to them and all the new friends we have made during the trip. But we will return as experts in grains of sand, with multiple adventures and moments lived that we will cherish in our memories, having had an unforgettable experience with Their Majesties the Magi under the stars... and surely, we will meet again in the next adventure!

en busca de los reyes magos

We will share fantastic moments as a family, rolling with laughter in the sand and enjoying unforgettable sunsets over impressive dunes. With turbans on our heads and aboard our 4x4 vehicles, we will traverse tracks like true rally drivers, following in the footsteps of the Wise Men. We will discover spectacular sand fortifications, giant minerals, and fossils that date back hundreds of millions of years. We will sleep under the stars, learn about different ways of life from other cultures, haggle in colorful markets, and savor amazing food to the sound of joyful rhythms. Who said, "in the desert, there is nothing / it is nothing"? Prepare your passport for the Moroccan stamp!

En el aeropuerto de Barcelona empezaremos nuestra aventura. Tres expertos arenólogos se dirigen al sur de Marruecos para analizar nuevos granitos de arena y compartir todo su conocimiento. Saben que esta zona está siendo recorrida por SS.MM. Los Reyes Magos y sueñan con poder encontrarlos… En nuestro viaje nos acompaña Catario, un reconocido descubridor de la composición de la arena. Viaja siempre con su simpática mascota, experto todoterreno excavador de arena que siempre va buscando “cariñitos” de las familias. Siempre lleva su salacot y aunque trata de ponerse bajo él un turbante, nunca lo consigue porque se hace un lío con él…. También nos acompañará Rastrillo, “arena que veo, arena que pillo”, que es una coleccionista de arenas mundiales, experta en la ceremonia de elección de granitos. Totalmente obsesionada con revolcarse en la arena desde que con sus padres (llamados Dunas y Oasis) hacía grandes castillos en la playa de Benidorm. Ha desarrollado una buena técnica para llevarse la mayor cantidad de arena en los calcetines y recogerá muestras que luego Catario analizará. Con ellos también estará Pala, experta gemóloga que recoge minerales y fósiles que encuentra en el desierto. Pizpireta los fotografía y con ellos crea abalorios y orgullosa los enseñará a las familias. Es conocida por su arte en el regateo y en el trueque, tanto que, ¡en los mercados de Marruecos tiemblan al verla venir! Pala vive con gran ilusión la llegada de los Reyes Magos, lleva siempre consigo su carta y se pone muy nerviosa al pensar que puede encontrarles… Uno de SS.MM. los Reyes Magos ha perdido la corona. ¡Pala analizará las gemas de la corona encontrada, es la única que nos podrá decir si es la auténtica! ¿Conseguirán Catario, Rastrillo y Pala, con nuestra ayuda, ¿devolvérsela a su propietario? Para ello viviremos numerosas aventuras en el desierto, recorreremos las pistas en vehículos 4x4, veremos fósiles de millones de años de antigüedad, nos encontraremos con nómadas y hasta dormiremos en auténticas haimas bajo la luz de las estrellas.

ziz marruecos

Día 1. Barcelona / Errachidia / Tombouctu - Vuelo de ida.

Tres expertos arenólogos se colarán en nuestro vuelo a Marruecos, porque ellos también quieren encontrarse con los Reyes Magos. Serán los mejores compañeros para la aventura que nos espera…Salida en vuelo especial directo a Errachidia y tras menos de dos horas de vuelo llegaremos a esta pequeña localidad en el sur de Marruecos donde nos recibirán con música folclórica local, al más puro estilo bereber. Una vez tengamos nuestro equipaje, saldremos con Catario, Rastrillo y Pala, en vehículos 4x4 en dirección sur. Situada en el valle del río Ziz, en el palmeral del Tafilalet, Tombouctou es una pequeña ciudad en medio del desierto, a las puertas del Sáhara. Durante el trayecto pararemos para admirar, desde lo alto, la impresionante panorámica del palmeral del Valle del Ziz, donde repondremos fuerzas con un tentempié. Después de la parada bajaremos en los todoterrenos para ver las casas locales antes de continuar a nuestro destino. En esta bella ciudad viviremos nuestras primeras aventuras. Catario, Rastrillo y Pala nos contarán muchas más cosas y con ellos aprenderemos en este lindo país de contrastes. La cena la disfrutaremos en el hotel en Tombouctu, donde también pasaremos la noche.

marruecos rissani

Día 2. Tombouctu / Pozos de Jorf / Merzouga / Tombouctu - Excusión en 4x4.

Comenzaremos con un delicioso desayuno buffet en el hotel para coger fuerza para otro día lleno de aventuras. Para los papás y mamás es el momento de probar el famoso té marroquí. En todos los restaurantes de los hoteles Xaluca, durante el desayuno y la cena, siempre encontraréis té al estilo tradicional bereber. No habrás probado otro igual ¡toma tanto como quieras! Después del desayuno saldremos con nuestros nuevos amigos, Catario, Rastrillo y Pala, para disfrutar de una excursión con nuestros vehículos 4x4 hacia la zona de Jorf, donde descubriremos una llanura con una cantidad de pozos diseminados. Parece un paisaje lunar. Los pozos, llamaos “khettarat” es un milenario sistema de riego conocido ya en la antigua Persia hace más de 3000 años. A continuación, nos dirigiremos hacia Jebel Lamdawar un lugar mágico que ha sido escenario de varias producciones cinematográficas como la Momia, Sahara, Babel o Hidalgo y en junio de 2015 se realizó allí la explosión más grande de la historia de la cinematografía con la película Spectre y el famoso actor Daniel Craig (James Bones 007). Con Catario, Rastrillo y Pala continuamos hasta llegar al hotel en Tombouctu, donde tendremos tiempo libre. Por la noche degustaremos una cena tipo buffet amenizada por folklore. Después de la cena lo pasaremos genial en la zona chillout del hotel.

marruecos sahara desierto dromedarios

Día 3. Tombouctu / Rissana / Erg Chebbi - Cantera de fósiles, almuerzo en oasis, encuentro con SS.MM. Los Reyes Magos y noche en haimas.

¡Y llegó el día que estábamos esperando! Comenzaremos el día con un buen desayuno buffet antes de salir por las pistas que hoy recorren algunos rallies como el famoso rally Merzuga, hasta llegar a las canteras de fósiles donde podremos encontrar, con nuestras propias manos, diferentes tipos de fósiles de más de 360 millones de años. Junto con Catario, Rastrillo y Pala llegaremos a Rissani, ciudad histórica construida sobre los restos de la ciudad medieval de Sijilmassa, centro comercial importante en el siglo XVI. Visitaremos su típico y tradicional mercado, que se mantiene 3 días por semana siendo el más grande de la zona. A él vienen a abastecerse los habitantes de los “ksares” de alrededor como los nómadas del desierto. Podremos ver los diferentes oficios de antaño como barberos, herreros… Su parking de burros es un sitio muy curioso que vale la pena visitar. Con Catario, Rastrillo y Pala continuamos nuestro camino disfrutando de un maravilloso paisaje, veremos cómo viven los nómadas bereberes. Hasta llegar a un oasis en medio del desierto donde disfrutaremos del almuerzo. Podremos descansar y reponer fuerzas para la aventura que nos queda por vivir hoy. Proseguimos nuestro camino hasta el gran Erg Chebbi (Desierto de Dunas), de finísima arena, donde efectuaremos un cambio de nuestros vehículos 4x4 por el vehículo de tracción animal más famoso del desierto, ¡los dromedarios! Nos adentraremos en las dunas y desde lo alto de ellas podremos contemplar una puesta de sol inolvidable. Seguimos en dromedario hasta nuestro campamento de haimas, donde pasaremos la noche como auténticos nómadas. Sus Majestades los Reyes Magos pasan estos días por esta zona del desierto en su viaje a Occidente. ¡Será un momento único y especial para los más pequeños de la familia! Tendremos la oportunidad de entregar nuestras cartas y recibir un pequeño adelanto de los regalos. ¿Habrá podido Pala averiguar si las gemas de la corona que encontró eran auténticas* Si es así, ¿se la podremos devolver a Sus Majestades* Después de este mágico momento, podremos disfrutar de la cena al mejor estilo bereber con folklore antes de irnos a dormir bajo el increíble cielo estrellado del desierto, en una auténtica pero moderna haima con baño privado.

amanecer marruecos

Día 4. Erg Chebbi / Erfoud. Safari por el desierto, mercado de Rissani y tour de las kasbahs.

"Cita con el Amanecer”… cuando dormimos en el desierto, es recomendable madrugar un poquito para caminar hasta lo más alto de la Gran Duna y ver la salida del sol. Qué mejor que empezar nuestro último día en este país de contrastes con un espectáculo único que vale la pena disfrutar. Más tarde degustaremos nuestro último desayuno en Marruecos antes de salir en nuestros vehículos 4x4 rodeando el Erg, disfrutando de las dunas y así despedirnos del desierto. Continuamos nuestra aventura de hoy hacia el pueblo abandonado de Merdani, donde habitan tan solo dos familias. Y desde allí llegaremos a las Minas de M`Fis, que en la actualidad están prácticamente abandonadas y solo viven unas pocas familias de militares que trabajan en un puesto de vigilancia de la zona. La siguiente parada la tendremos en el poblado de origen sudanés Khamlia, donde sus habitantes nos obsequiarán con sus danzas tradicionales y un té a la menta. Haremos un tour de las kasbahs con posibilidad de visitar una que era una residencia de la familia del Sultán Alaouita Mulay Hafid en el siglo XIX. Llegada a Erfoud donde degustaremos un delicioso almuerzo en una pizzería. Erfoud tiene un importante zoco y un mercado, junto a la plaza central, cercano al río. Su Palacio Real es el único de Marruecos en el desierto del Sáhara. Resto de la tarde en el hotel donde los pequeños tendrán juegos con Catario, Rastrillo y Pala, y los mayores os podréis relajar después del día en el desierto, de un buen hamman (baño turco), un jacuzzi, un masaje o simplemente un baño en la piscina climatizada del hotel. Cena en el hotel con alguna sorpresa de Catario, Rastrillo y Pala.

marruecos sahara desierto

Día 5. Erfoud / Errachidia / Barcelona - Vuelo de regreso.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Tiempo libre hasta la hora del traslado al aeropuerto de Errachidia para salir en vuelo directo de regreso a Barcelona. Catario, Rastrillo y Pala han sido los mejores acompañantes durante nuestra aventura. Nos dará pena despedirnos de ellos y de todos los nuevos amigos que habremos hecho durante el viaje. Pero volveremos siendo unos expertos en granitos de arena, con múltiples aventuras y momentos vividos que guardaremos en nuestra memoria y habiendo vivido una experiencia inolvidable con SS.MM. los Reyes Magos bajo las estrellas… y seguro que… ¡nos encontraremos en la próxima aventura!

en busca de los reyes magos

Compartiremos momentos fantásticos en familia, revolcándonos con risas por la arena y disfrutando de inolvidables atardeceres sobre impresionantes dunas. Con turbante y a bordo de nuestros 4x4, recorreremos pistas como auténticos pilotos de rallies para seguir los pasos de SS.MM Los Reyes Magos. Descubriremos espectaculares fortificaciones de arena, minerales y fósiles gigantes de cientos de millones de años. Dormiremos bajo las estrellas, aprenderemos la diferente manera de vivir de otras culturas, regatearemos en coloridos mercados y disfrutaremos de comida asombrosa al son de alegres ritmos. ¿Quién dijo “en el desierto no hay nada / es la nada”? ¡Preparad vuestro pasaporte para el sello marroquí!

Hotel Kasbash Xaluca Tombouctou 4* Sup

Kasbah Hotel Tombouctou has become the leading establishment in the Erg Chebbi dunes. The beauty of Erg Chebbi is breathtaking. It is a place where the dunes become a unique experience, and Kasbah Hotel Tombouctou is the perfect place to enjoy this natural wonder. With a privileged location in the heart of the Erg Chebbi dunes, the largest concentration of dunes in all of Morocco, Kasbah Hotel Tombouctou's majestic construction, blending traditional and modern styles, makes it a must-visit for any traveler venturing into the southern Moroccan desert. The hotel features 77 rooms designed with natural materials from the area, warm colors, walls adorned with "tadalaket" artisanal artwork, and a typically Moroccan decoration, offering an oasis of comfort in the heart of the desert.


Hotel Kasbash Xaluca Erfoud 4* Sup

This hotel is a great Spa & Wellness retreat at the gateway to the desert. Located in Erfoud, a city known as "the gateway to the desert," Kasbah Hotel Xaluca Erfoud is renowned in Morocco for its unique characteristics. Built in adobe using traditional Moroccan techniques, this magnificent hotel is the ideal place to relax and enjoy the surrounding desert. Kasbah Hotel Xaluca Erfoud offers 137 spacious rooms (minimum of 36m²) that can accommodate 2, 3, or 4 people. They are exquisitely decorated with local materials, and the hotel also features 7 luxury bungalows and suites. All rooms have a bathroom with a spacious shower (jacuzzi in the bungalows and suites), unique details like fossils found in the nearby desert incorporated into the sinks, air conditioning, satellite TV, telephone, internet connection (free Wi-Fi), a safe, and a minibar. The hotel seamlessly combines tradition and modernity, with facilities designed to meet the needs of the most discerning guests. Set amidst dunes and palm trees, it offers a dreamlike environment to enjoy unique sensations. The hotel also features a tennis court, paddle court, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, a spa, jacuzzi, and massage services to enhance guests' experience.


Haima La Belle Etoille

In the Erg Chebbi Desert, where we will spend a magical night, La Belle Étoile is strategically located. It offers a spectacular space amidst the vast dunes of Erg Chebbi. It is particularly attractive for organizing bivouacs with "haimas," tents made of camel hair, just like those used by desert nomads. Witnessing the breathtaking sunrise and the warm colors of a sunset or experiencing a night in the desert under a star-filled sky is made possible by La Belle Étoile. It's a dream come true. The haimas are the same as those used by nomads but equipped with a bed, bedside table, light, towels, and the comforts of a room, all within a haima. It's a surprising experience. The bathrooms are located in separate conventional buildings outside the tents. These buildings have separate bathrooms and showers for men and women. All the showers have doors, ensuring complete privacy.

Departure on January 2, 2023 from Barcelona
1 adult + 1 child $3206
1 adult + 2 children $4644
2 adults + 1 child $4690
2 adults + 2 children $6145
Cancellation fees
Cancellation until 8/31: No fees
In September: 15% of the trip cost
In October: 35% of the trip cost
Between November and 22 days before departure: 50% fees
Within 21 days or less until departure: 100% fees
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
5-day / 4-night Program
Direct flight from Barcelona
Snack on board
1 suitcase of 15kg per person
1 carry-on luggage of 5kg
Airport taxes
Entertainment team during the trip
All transfers
4x4 transportation
Cold mineral water during the journey
Full board according to the itinerary
2 nights at Kasbah Xaluca de Tombouctou
1 night at La Belle Etoile Haimas
1 night at Kasbah Hotel Xaluca Erfoud
Activities according to the itinerary
Meeting with the Three Wise Men
Complete travel documentation
Travel assistance insurance
SCIL® experience
The price does not include:
Drinks during meals
Optional supplements
You may be interested to know
Children aged 2-11 are considered. Consult us for prices for children of other ages.
Maximum 2 adults + 2 children per room. Consult possibilities for larger occupancies.
Transportation in 4x4 vehicles (such as Toyota Land Cruiser, Mitsubishi, or similar) based on a occupancy of 5 people per vehicle. Bottled cold mineral water in the cars during the tours.
Full board, as specified in the itinerary (except for lunch on the last day) (complete buffet breakfasts and dinners): 1 picnic lunch in the Ziz Valley, 1 lunch at a local restaurant in Lamdaouar, 1 lunch at Oasis Tisserdmine, 1 lunch at the Pizzeria Les Dunes in Erfoud.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules may be subject to changes and will be confirmed prior to the departure date.
Documentation: For Spanish citizens, a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months from the return date is required. For other nationalities, please check if an entry visa is required. The hotel category is based on the local tourist classification.
Currency: The currency is the Dirham (DH), which is divided into 100 centimes. There are banknotes of 10, 50, 100, and 200 DH, and coins of 1, 2, and 5 DH, as well as 5, 10, 20, and 50 centimes. Credit cards are accepted. Upon arrival at the hotel in Erfoud, we will offer a booklet of tickets that can be purchased in euros and used to pay for drinks and purchases at Xaluca Hotels, the Haima, and the Pizzeria Restaurant. This way, you won't need to exchange local currency if you prefer not to.
Time Zone: Morocco follows Greenwich Mean Time, so it is one hour behind Spain in winter.
Attire: It is advisable to wear comfortable and lightweight clothing, as well as breathable footwear. It is also recommended to bring a hat to protect your head from the sun. Remember that Morocco is a Muslim country, and while everyone can dress as they please, it is always advisable to dress modestly, respecting local customs, especially in rural areas where people are not accustomed to seeing women in short or tight-fitting clothing. On the other hand, traveling to the desert requires special conditions. Keep in mind that there is a significant temperature difference between day and night; we can have temperatures around 20ºC and drop to below freezing. Therefore, we recommend bringing cotton, breathable, and comfortable clothing in light colors during the day, as well as a fleece or coat, as temperatures drop significantly at night. It is advisable to wear long, loose-fitting clothing in light colors and turbans to cover the head and, when necessary, the face.
WiFi: WiFi is included and free at our hotel. Many restaurants and hotels also offer WiFi connections, even in remote places such as villages and even in the desert, there are hotels that provide WiFi for their guests.
Flight schedule
01/02 Barcelona-Errachidia 09:00hr-11:10hrs
01/06 Errachidia-Barcelona 12:00hr-14:10hrs
VIP package option
Accommodation for 1 night in a VIP Bungalow (or Suite) at Xaluca Hotel in Erfoud.
Accommodation for 1 night in a private Haima (with included bathroom) in the desert. Located away from the main camp.
Private occupancy of a 4x4 vehicle.
Guaranteed front seats on the plane (assigned in order of booking date).
VIP package prices (per person)
Based on 2 people: $865
Based on 3 people: $655
Based on 4 people: $545
Based on 5 people: $480
Private 4x4 option
Exclusive use of the vehicle for your family throughout the entire trip
Private 4x4 prices (per person)
Based on 2 persons: $385
Based on 3 persons: $175
Based on 4 persons: $65


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