Holiday Club Tropiikki | Christmas

Embark on a winter adventure in the fascinating destination of Lapland. Discover the perfect accommodation at Holiday Club Tropiikki, located amidst stunning landscapes next to Lake Petäjälampi. From thrilling husky sled rides to relaxing moments at the tropical spa, this program will immerse you in the magic of Lapland. Get ready to experience unforgettable moments in this winter paradise!

Approximate price per family:
6210 $

Traveling to Lapland with children is an unforgettable experience that will be etched in the memory of the whole family. From the moment you start planning the trip, the magic awakens and immerses you in unique emotions and experiences. It's amazing to think that in just over four hours of direct flight, you can immerse yourself in a unique and unparalleled environment, where every family member can participate in sensational activities and excursions. Lapland, located in the mystical Arctic Circle, offers an extraordinary adventure accessible to everyone, with a special focus on the little ones but also captivating for adults. In Lapland, you will have the opportunity to meet Santa Claus in person, a magical encounter that will light up the eyes of your child and yours. Additionally, you can enjoy incredible excursions in the Arctic Circle in search of the fascinating Northern Lights, a natural spectacle that will leave you breathless. During your stay, you will be accommodated in the charming Holiday Club Spa Kuusamo Tropiikki, where you can relax and unwind after the exciting activities of the day. This exceptional trip includes exclusive flights and Spanish-speaking guides who will provide you with all the necessary information and assistance to ensure you have an unforgettable experience in Lapland. Every detail is carefully planned in this wonderful program to ensure that your journey is perfect in every aspect.

viajes a laponia

Day 1. Spain / Kuusamo - Outbound Flight.

Arrival at the airport. Meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a special direct flight to Kuusamo. Snack included onboard. Meet your guide and transfer to the Holiday Club Tropiikki resort (approx. 10 minutes). Arrival. Once settled, we will enjoy dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation

familias en motonieves en laponia

Day 2. Kuusamo - Snowmobile Safari, Spa, and Angry Birds.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. Before starting our activities, we will collect the thermal suits that we can use throughout our stay in Lapland. Today, we will embark on one of the most spectacular excursions of the trip, a snowmobile safari. We will be provided with helmets and gloves, and after receiving instructions from the guides, we will begin our snowmobile ride. The adults will drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile), and the children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. During the journey, we will experience the power of these machines and enjoy the snowy forests and frozen lakes. Return to the nearby Rukan Salonki resort to enjoy the snow. At the resort, there is an illuminated sledging track where you can slide down and use free-floating devices. On the frozen lake, you can try the Finnish carousel, where one person sits while the other spins it around, and you can also use kick-sledges, the most traditional and authentic means of transportation, similar to a sled. Light lunch at the resort restaurant. In the afternoon, free time is recommended to enjoy the hotel spa's swimming pool, an area decorated with exotic plants, a tropical oasis. Both adults and children are welcome to enter (villa/apartment guests have an entrance ticket, and room guests have unlimited access). Children can also have fun at the Angry Birds Park (included entrance), a huge playground with multiple attractions such as ball pit, pedal karts, video games, and other various amusements inspired by the funny birds. Special Christmas Eve dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

safari artico kuusamo

Day 3. Kuusamo - Arctic Animal Safari: Huskies and Reindeer.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We will start a new day of adventures with a visit to a husky dog farm. Upon arrival at the camp, we will be greeted by the enthusiastic barking of the dogs. Surrounded by nature, we will receive instructions on driving and safety before starting the sleigh ride. The team consists of two people, a musher and a passenger (you can switch positions during the ride). After the excitement and speed at the beginning, you will soon relax and enjoy the surroundings. Once back at the camp, we can enjoy a comforting hot drink in a kota. Light lunch will be served during the excursion. Traveling through beautiful forests and over ice-covered lakes, we will arrive at a traditional reindeer farm. We will take a sleigh ride pulled by these endearing animals while the herders tell us stories about their life and sustenance, the oldest in Lapland. The rest of the day is free to enjoy the hotel facilities or participate in an optional excursion.

Optional Excursion: Karting and Mini Snowmobiles.

Transfer to the karting circuit, where we will enjoy a completely new experience: driving special karts designed to move on snow or ice. Driving the karts is very easy, and this activity can be enjoyed by everyone (adults or children) who are at least 150 cm tall (the minimum height required to reach the accelerator and brake pedals). Children who are unable to drive the karts will have the opportunity to drive a mini snowmobile, an unforgettable experience for sure.


Day 4. Kuusamo - Ice Fishing, Lunch in a Kota, and Snowshoeing.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We will head to the shore of Lake Veskajärvi, where we will meet the fishing guide at the laavu, a shelter they have on the lakeside. First, we will receive instructions on how to use the small fishing rods and baits, as well as the "kaira," which is the drill used to make holes in the ice. Then, it's our turn to find the best spot and try our luck on the ice. The lake is home to perch and pike, both natural inhabitants. In the laavu, we can enjoy a hot drink around a campfire to warm up. We will have a light lunch in a Lappish kota, which is a traditional Sami tent with a shape similar to Native American teepees. After lunch, we will engage in an activity that is enjoyable for both adults and children: we will put on snowshoes and head into the snowy forest. The guide will provide information about the nature and seasons in this area. The nature we see hibernating now transforms into a completely different world a few months later when it blooms under the midnight sun. Return to the hotel and free time for enjoying the sauna or engaging in snow activities. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation

kuusamo esqui santa claus laponia

Day 5. Kuusamo - Meeting with Santa Claus.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. Today is the day that the little ones have been waiting for. We will transfer to a secret location near Ruka. It is a small complex of houses and cabins with wonderful winter views. There is a slide area where children can play while waiting to see Santa. Inside his house, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be waiting for us. We will have the opportunity to prepare cookies and Christmas decorations with them, and they will tell us about life in Lapland. Each family will have a chance to spend some time with Santa, chat, and take photos. Each child (under 11 years old) will receive a gift from this beloved character. With the unforgettable memory of this visit, we say goodbye to Santa Claus and return to our accommodation. Return and have a light lunch at the restaurant. The rest of the day is free to enjoy the hotel facilities or play in the snow. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation 

Day 6. Kuusamo / Spain.

Buffet breakfast. Free time until the designated time for the transfer. We cannot leave Lapland without experiencing a relaxing sauna. Sauna is a tradition in Finland. Although the Finns did not invent it, they are the country with the highest number of saunas per capita, with almost one sauna for every 2 inhabitants, and they are the ones who practice it most frequently. Departure to Kuusamo Airport. Check-in procedures and departure on a direct flight to Spain. Snack on board included. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

viajes a laponia

Discover the charming Holiday Club Tropiikki, a resort located between Ruka and Kuusamo, amidst stunning landscapes by Lake Petäjälampi. Here you will find the perfect combination of snowmobile adventures, thrilling rides on husky or reindeer sleighs, fun at the Angry Birds Park, and relaxation at the tropical spa. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty, and who knows, you might even witness a dazzling Northern Lights display! Discover the land of Christmas, where magic is present all year round. In Lapland, snow covers the landscapes, and the forests are dressed in white, creating a magical and enchanting atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the local culture, learn about Lapland's traditions, and enjoy delicious traditional dishes. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this unique destination and make your children's dreams come true. Lapland awaits you with open arms to offer an unforgettable experience that will be etched in your heart forever. Don't wait any longer and step into the magical world of Lapland! Welcome to magical Lapland, we invite you to live this unique experience!

Viajar a Laponia con niños es una experiencia inolvidable que quedará grabada en la memoria de toda la familia. Desde el momento en que empiezas a planificar el viaje, la magia se despierta y te sumerge en emociones y vivencias únicas. Es asombroso pensar que en poco más de cuatro horas de vuelo directo puedes adentrarte en un entorno único e irrepetible, donde cada miembro de la familia podrá participar en actividades y excursiones sensacionales. Laponia, situada en el místico Círculo Polar Ártico, te ofrece una aventura extraordinaria al alcance de todos, con un enfoque especial en los más pequeños, pero que también encanta a los adultos. En Laponia, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer a Papá Noel en persona, un encuentro mágico que iluminará los ojos de tu hijo y los tuyos. Además, podrás disfrutar de increíbles excursiones en el Círculo Polar Ártico en busca de la fascinante Aurora Boreal, un espectáculo natural que te dejará sin aliento. Durante tu estancia, serás alojado en el encantador Holiday Club Spa Kuusamo Tropiikki, donde podrás relajarte y descansar después de las emocionantes actividades del día. Este viaje excepcional incluye vuelos exclusivos y guías en castellano que te brindarán toda la información y asistencia necesarias para que vivas una experiencia inolvidable en Laponia. Cada detalle está cuidadosamente planeado en este maravilloso programa, para asegurarte de que tu viaje sea perfecto en todos los aspectos.

viajes a laponia

Día 1. España / Kuusamo - Vuelo de ida.

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Kuusamo. Snack a bordo incluido. Encuentro con su guía y traslado al complejo Holiday Club Tropiikki (aprox. 10min). Llegada. Una vez instalados disfrutaremos de la cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

familias en motonieves en laponia

Día 2. Kuusamo - Safari en motos de nieve, spa y angry birds.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Antes de comenzar nuestras actividades, recogeremos los trajes térmicos que podremos usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. En el día de hoy realizaremos una de las excursiones más espectaculares del viaje, un safari en moto de nieve. Para ello, nos proveerán de cascos y guantes y tras las instrucciones de los guías, iniciaremos nuestro paseo en moto de nieve. Los adultos conduciremos las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la moto de nieve del guía. Durante el trayecto podremos sentir la potencia de estas máquinas y disfrutar de los bosques nevados y lagos helados. Regreso al cercano complejo de Rukan Salonki para disfrutar de la nieve. En el complejo disponéis de una pista iluminada de toboganes para deslizaros y flotadores de libre uso. En el lago helado podéis probar el carrusel finlandés, una persona va sentada y otra la hace girar y también podéis utilizar los “kick-sledges”, el más tradicional y auténtico medio de transporte, tipo trineo. Almuerzo ligero en restaurante del complejo. Por la tarde tiempo libre durante la que recomendamos disfrutar de la piscina del spa del hotel, un área decorada con plantas exóticas, un oasis tropical. Pueden entrar tanto adultos como niños (disponéis de una entrada para los clientes alojados en villa / apartamento y uso ilimitado para los clientes alojados en habitación). Los niños también pueden divertirse en el Angry Birds Park (entrada incluida), un enorme parque de juegos con múltiples atractivos como piscina de bolas, karts a pedales, videojuegos y otras múltiples diversiones inspiradas en los divertidos pájaros. Cena especial de Nochebuena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

safari artico kuusamo

Día 3. Kuusamo - Safari de animales árticos: huskies y renos.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Comenzaremos un nuevo día de aventuras con una visita a una granja de perros huskies. A nuestra llegada al campamento, seremos recibidos por los ladridos entusiastas de los perros. Rodeado de naturaleza nos explicarán las instrucciones sobre la conducción y la seguridad antes de iniciar el recorrido en trineo. El equipo lleva dos personas, un musher y un pasajero (pueden cambiar de lugar durante el recorrido). Después de la emoción y la velocidad del comienzo, pronto comenzaréis a relajaros y disfrutaréis del entorno. Una vez de regreso al campamento, podremos degustar una reconfortante bebida caliente en una kota. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Viajando por hermosos bosques y sobre lagos cubiertos de hielo llegaremos a una granja tradicional de renos. Daremos un paseo en trineo tirado por estos entrañables animales, mientras los pastores nos cuentan historias sobre su vida y sustento, el más antiguo de Laponia. Resto del día libre para disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel o realizar una excursión opcional

Excursión opcional: Karting y mini motos de nieve.

Traslado al circuito de karting, donde disfrutaremos de una experiencia totalmente nueva; conducir karts especiales para desplazarse sobre la nieve o hielo. Conducir los karts es muy fácil y esta actividad la pueden realizar todas las personas (adultos o niños) con una altura mínima de 150 cm (necesaria para llegar a los pedales de acelerador y freno). Los niños que no puedan conducir los karts podrán conducir una mini-motonieve, una experiencia que sin duda no olvidareis.


Día 4. Kuusamo - Pesca en el hielo, almuerzo en kota y raquetas de nieve.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Nos dirigiremos hasta la orilla del lago Veskajärvi, donde nos encontraremos con el guía de pesca en el laavu, un cobertizo que tienen para refugiarse en la orilla. Primero recibiremos instrucciones para aprender a usar las pequeñas cañas de pescar y los cebos, así como la “kaira”, que es el taladro para hacer los agujeros en el hielo. Después es nuestro turno para encontrar el mejor lugar y probar suerte sobre el hielo. El lago es el hogar de percas y lucios, ambos habitantes naturales. En el laavu podremos degustar una bebida caliente alrededor de una fogata para entrar en calor. Disfrutaremos de un almuerzo ligero en una kota lapona, que son las típicas tiendas de los Sami (laponés) con forma similar a los teepees o tiendas de los indios americanos. Después del almuerzo continuaremos con una actividad que gusta tanto a mayores como a pequeños, nos ponemos las raquetas de nieve y nos dirigiremos al bosque nevado. El guía nos dará información sobre la naturaleza y las estaciones en esta zona. La naturaleza que ahora vemos hibernando se convierte en un mundo totalmente diferente unos meses después cuando florece bajo el sol de medianoche. Regreso al hotel y resto del día libre para disfrutar de la sauna o actividades en la nieve. Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

kuusamo esqui santa claus laponia

Día 5. Kuusamo - Encuentro con Santa Claus.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Hoy es el día que los más pequeños estaban esperando. Nos trasladaremos hasta un lugar secreto cercano a Ruka. Un pequeño complejo de casas y cabañas con maravillosas vistas invernales. Existe una zona de toboganes para que los niños puedan jugar mientras esperan para ver a Santa. En su casa nos estarán Santa con la Sra. Claus, con quien podremos preparar galletas y decoraciones navideñas, nos contarán como es la vida en Laponia. Cada familia podrá pasar un rato con él, charlar y tomar unas fotos. Cada niño (menos de 11 años) recibirá un regalo de manos de este entrañable personaje. Con el recuerdo imborrable de esta visita nos despedimos de Santa Claus para regresar a nuestro alojamiento. Regreso y almuerzo ligero en restaurante. Resto del día libre para disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel o realizar juegos en la nieve. Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 6. Kuusamo / España.

Desayuno buffet. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. No nos podemos ir de Laponia sin practicar una relajante sauna. La sauna en Finlandia es toda una tradición. Aunque los fineses no la inventaron sí que son el país con mayor cantidad de saunas por habitante; casi una sauna por cada 2 habitantes y los que la practican con mayor asiduidad. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Kuusamo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino España. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

viajes a laponia

Descubre el encantador Holiday Club Tropiikki, un complejo ubicado entre Ruka y Kuusamo, en medio de deslumbrantes paisajes junto al lago Petäjälampi. Aquí encontrarás la combinación perfecta de aventuras en motos de nieve, emocionantes paseos en trineos tirados por huskies o renos, diversión en el Angry Birds Park y relajación en el spa tropical. ¡Sumérgete en la belleza natural y quién sabe, tal vez incluso presencies una deslumbrante aurora boreal! Descubre el país de la Navidad, donde la magia está presente durante todo el año. En Laponia, la nieve cubre los paisajes y los bosques se visten de blanco, creando un ambiente mágico y encantador. Sumérgete en la cultura local, conoce las tradiciones laponas y disfruta de deliciosos platos típicos. No dejes pasar la oportunidad de explorar este destino único y hacer realidad los sueños de tus hijos. Laponia te espera con los brazos abiertos para ofrecerte una experiencia inolvidable que quedará grabada en tu corazón para siempre. ¡No esperes más y adéntrate en el mundo mágico de Laponia! Bienvenidos a la mágica Laponia, ¡te invitamos a vivir esta experiencia única! 

Holiday Club Kuusamon Spa Tropiikki

The Holiday Club Kuusamon Spa Tropiikki is a spa hotel located in the municipality of Kuusamo, less than 20 minutes away from the Ruka Ski Resort, close to the airport, the central park, the Kuusamo church, and next to a new 18-hole golf course. This 4-star hotel is nestled in the midst of magnificent natural landscapes in the forest, offering breathtaking views of Lake Petäjälampi. You will enjoy a great location and a magnificent natural environment in a privileged setting. It offers leisure services including a spa that provides massages, body treatments, and facials, as well as hot tubs and saunas. There are also two restaurants and a café. After an intense day of activities, relax in one of the three indoor pools. Children can enjoy playing at the famous Angry Birds Park.

bungalows kuusamo

Holiday Club Kuusamon Spa Tropiikki offers different types of accommodations:

  • Twin Rooms: These rooms have an area of 18m² and can accommodate 2 people.
  • Family Rooms: With an area of 28m², these rooms feature a double sofa bed suitable for 2 children.
  • Petajälämpi (Bungalows): These modern bungalows have 2 bedrooms and a total area of 50m². They include a private sauna and a well-equipped kitchen. Located further away from the main building, they offer more privacy. The bungalows feature 2 bedrooms with beds for 4 people, plus a sofa bed for 2, an open-plan living room with a fireplace and complimentary firewood, a dining area, and a flat-screen TV. There is 1 bathroom and 1 toilet. Other modern amenities include free WiFi and a glazed terrace.

  • Petäjälammen Apartments: These modern 2-bedroom villas have an area of 53m² and have been recently inaugurated. They are located about 300m from the reception/restaurant area. The apartments feature 2 bedrooms with beds for 4 people, plus a sofa bed for 2 in the open-plan living room. There is also a dining area and a flat-screen TV. The apartments come with a fully equipped modern kitchen, including a dishwasher and an oven. There are 2 toilets, a shower, and a sauna. Other modern amenities include free WiFi. The apartments also feature a modern fireplace with firewood.

Children can have fun at the Angry Birds Park (included entrance), a huge playground with multiple attractions such as a ball pool, pedal karts, video games, and other entertaining activities inspired by the funny birds.

Program from December 23 to 28, 2023 from Barcelona
Prices Accommodation Price
1 adult + 1 child Twin Room $6210
2 adults Twin Room $6280
1 adult + 2 children Family Room $8585
2 adults + 1 child Family Room $8675
2 adults + 2 children Villa Petajänlammenranta $10995
2 adults + 2 children Bungalow Petäjälampi $11050
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Barcelona to Kuusamo (roundtrip)
Snacks on board
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay (including boots and jumpsuit)
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
5 nights at selected accommodation in Holiday Club Tropiikki
Full board, except for the last day
An entrance to the Angry Birds playground
All activities, excursions and safaris as per the program
Husky sledding safari
Reindeer sleigh ride
Ice fishing
Private meeting with Santa Claus
1 gift per child aged 11 or under
Complete online documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule
12/23/2023 Barcelona 09:00 Kuusamo 14:45
12/28/2023 Kuusamo 15:35 Barcelona 19:10
You'll be interested to know
Villa (apartment) / bungalow includes: 1 set of sheets and towels per person, final cleaning of the accommodation and 1 entrance to the hotel spa.
Rooms (standard or family) includes: final cleaning of the room and unlimited access to the hotel spa.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules may be subject to changes and will be confirmed prior to the departure date.
The prices for snowmobile and sleigh excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age, depending on their weight and height, will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. It is mandatory to possess a valid European car driving license to drive the snowmobiles and carry it during the excursion.
All snowmobiles have comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (snow or ice accumulation) and for safety reasons, excursions may experience changes in itinerary, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
When the group size is large, it may be divided into smaller groups, making the operation simpler and more comfortable for the passengers. Therefore, the schedule or order of services in the excursions may be altered for this reason, without modifying the overall content of the excursion. Your guides on-site will inform you in advance of the excursion schedules.
The organizer does not guarantee weather conditions, snow or ice accumulation for the execution of the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the realization of any excursion and it needs to be canceled, an alternative activity will be arranged or the amount will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled or partially reduced if the conditions do not allow for its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted may result in high fines, which can amount up to €4500 per person.
The client is responsible for the cabin keys, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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