Early December in Virkkula

Embark on a unique adventure to the wonderful Finnish Lapland and experience ice fishing on a frozen lake, snowshoeing through the snow, driving dog sleds led by huskies, and thrilling snowmobile safaris. Immerse yourself in the authentic magic of Christmas with a very special encounter with none other than Santa Claus himself, who awaits you in Lapland to create magical and unforgettable moments. Don't miss the opportunity to discover this enchanting land!

Approximate price per family:
6159 $

If you're looking for a place that offers an authentic Christmas experience, look no further than Virkkula in Lapland. This small village is located in the northernmost region of Finland, where winters are long and dark, and snow is the undisputed star. During the December holiday season, Virkkula transforms into a magical and charming destination for those who want to experience Christmas in a different way.

virkkula aurora boreal

Day 1. Spain / Kuusamo / Virkkula

Arrival at the airport. Meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a direct special flight to Kuusamo. Snack on board included. Meet our guide and transfer to Virkkula (approx. 40 min), where our resort is located. Along the way, we will collect the thermal equipment that we can use throughout our stay in Lapland. Arrival. Once settled, we will enjoy a delicious dinner in the village. Accommodation.

Day 2. Virkkula - Ice Fishing and Snowshoeing

Buffet breakfast in the village. We will begin our adventure in Lapland with an ice fishing excursion on the frozen lake. The experience starts with a snowshoe hike to a frozen lake, where a fisherman will teach us how to fish through the ice. Each participant will have time to try their luck with the fishing rod. First, everyone will need to drill their own hole in the ice and then attempt to catch fish. In this lake, we can find perch, pike, and lake herring. A light lunch will be provided during the excursion. We will return using the snowshoes, a fun activity enjoyed by both adults and children. The afternoon is free time, which you can use for some skiing or optional activities. Dinner in the village. Accommodation.

Optional Excursion: Karting and Mini Snowmobiles

Transfer to the karting circuit, where we will enjoy a completely new experience: driving special karts designed for snow or ice. Driving the karts is very easy, and this activity is suitable for all people (adults or children) with a minimum height of 150 cm (required to reach the accelerator and brake pedals). Children who are unable to drive the karts can drive a mini snowmobile, an experience that you will undoubtedly not forget. Prices are valid for bookings made up to 30 days before departure, subject to availability. * A minimum of 10 people is required to carry out the excursion. Adult Price: $90 // Children Price (5-11 years old): $60.

Day 3. Virkkula Arctic Animal Safari: Huskies and Reindeer

Buffet breakfast at the villa. Get ready for another incredible day in nature. In the morning, we will embark on an excursion that will stay in our memories for a long time, as we will have the opportunity to drive a sled, like real mushers, pulled by a team of husky dogs. Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight. Their trainers will share interesting facts and information with us before we begin the ride. We will enjoy a light lunch during the excursion. Next, we will be transferred to a reindeer farm, where Lappish herders will talk to us about their way of life. We will take a sleigh ride and learn about the lives of reindeer and their herders. The rest of the afternoon is free, and you can take the opportunity to practice cross-country skiing (equipment available at the resort for your use) or enjoy a modern sauna and pool (available by reservation and payment from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm every day). You can also reserve the smoke sauna or wood-fired sauna at the resort (subject to availability and additional payment). Dinner at the villa. Accommodation.

Snowmobile Safari

Day 4. Virkkula. Snowmobile Safari and Meeting Santa Claus

Buffet breakfast at the villa. Today we will embark on one of the most spectacular excursions of the trip, a snowmobile safari. We will be provided with helmets and gloves, and after receiving instructions from the guides, we will begin our snowmobile ride. The adults will drive the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile), while the children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. During the journey, we will feel the power of these machines and enjoy the snowy forests and frozen lakes. We will have a light lunch during the excursion. In the afternoon, the moment that all the children have been waiting for will arrive. We will be transferred to the village of Vuotunki, where Santa Claus's house is located, next to a large frozen lake. On the slopes of the lake, when the snow falls, large natural slides are formed where children, and even adults, can enjoy sledding. It's time to enter the house where Santa will be waiting for us. Upon entering, we will be greeted by an elf, Santa's helper, who will lead us to the living room where we will meet Santa himself. We will spend a good time with him, he will tell us stories, and teach us a song. Mrs. Claus is an expert cook, and today she will teach us her famous Christmas cookie recipe, which we can bake in the large wood-fired oven of the house. At the end of the visit, Santa will personally give a gift to each child. With the indelible memory of this visit, we will say goodbye to the Claus family and return to our accommodation. Dinner at the villa. Accommodation.

Santa Claus

Day 5. Virkkula / Kuusamo / Spain

Buffet breakfast. Free time until the indicated transfer time. We cannot leave Lapland without enjoying a relaxing sauna. Sauna is a tradition in Finland. Although the Finns did not invent it, they have the highest number of saunas per capita; almost one sauna for every 2 inhabitants, and they are the ones who practice it most regularly. Departure to Kuusamo airport. Check-in procedures and departure on a direct flight to Spain. Snack on board included. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

virkkula viajar a laponia

The beauty of Virkkula's nature is indescribable: the dense snowy pine forests, the frozen rivers, and the gentle hills create an idyllic landscape that seems to be taken from a fairy tale. During your stay in Virkkula, you can participate in a wide variety of outdoor activities, from dog sledding to snowmobile safaris. You can also experience ice fishing, snowshoeing, and, of course, visit Santa Claus himself at his house in Korvatunturi. But Virkkula is not just a destination for outdoor activities. The culture and gastronomy of the area are equally fascinating. You can taste typical dishes such as salmon soup and cardamom buns, and explore the local craftsmanship in ceramics workshops, weaving, and other traditional arts.

Si estás buscando un lugar que te brinde la auténtica experiencia navideña, no busques más allá de Virkkula, en Laponia. Este pequeño pueblo se encuentra en la región más al norte de Finlandia, donde los inviernos son largos y oscuros, y la nieve es la protagonista indiscutible. Durante el puente de diciembre, Virkkula se convierte en un destino mágico y lleno de encanto para aquellos que quieren vivir la Navidad de una manera diferente.

virkkula aurora boreal

Día 1. España / Kuusamo / Virkkula

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Kuusamo. Snack a bordo incluido. Encuentro con nuestro guía y traslado a Virkkula (aprox. 40 min), donde se encuentra nuestro complejo. En el camino recogeremos los equipos térmicos que podremos usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Llegada. Una vez instalados degustaremos una deliciosa cena en la villa. Alojamiento.

Día 2. Virkkula - Pescan en el hielo y raquetas de nieve

Desayuno buffet en la villa. Comenzaremos nuestra aventura en Laponia con una excursión de pesca en el Lago helado. La experiencia empieza con la llegada con nuestras raquetas de nieve a un lago helado donde un pescador nos enseñará cómo pescar en el hielo, cada participante tendrá tiempo para probar suerte con la caña a través del hielo. Primero cada uno tendrá que realizar su propio agujero en el hielo y a continuación intentar pescar. En este lago podremos encontrar percas, lucios y arenques de lago. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. El regreso lo realizaremos con las raquetas de nieve, una divertida actividad, que gusta tanto a mayores como a pequeños. Por la tarde tiempo libre que podéis aprovechar para realizar algunas bajadas de esquí o realizar una actividad opcional. Cena en la villa. Alojamiento.

Excursión opcional: Karting y mini motos de nieve

Traslado al circuito de karting, donde disfrutaremos de una experiencia totalmente nueva; conducir karts especiales para desplazarse sobre la nieve o hielo. Conducir los karts es muy fácil y esta actividad la pueden realizar todas las personas (adultos o niños) y con una altura mínima de 150 cm (necesaria para llegar a los pedales de acelerador y freno). Los niños que no puedan conducir los karts podrán conducir una mini-motonieve, una experiencia que sin duda no olvidareis.Precios válidos para reservas hechas hasta 30 días antes de la salida sujetos a disponibilidad de plazas. * Se requiere un mínimo de 10 personas para realizar la excursión.Precio adulto: $90 // Precio niños (5-11 años): $60.

Día 3. Virkkula Safari de animales árticos: huskies y renos

Desayuno buffet en la villa. Nos preparamos para pasar otro día increíble en la naturaleza. Por la mañana realizaremos una excursión que perdurará en nuestra memoria durante mucho tiempo, ya que podremos conducir, como auténticos mushers un trineo tirado por un equipo de perros huskies. Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar de hasta siete veces su propio peso. Ésto y muchas más curiosidades nos las explicarán sus preparadores antes de realizar el paseo. Degustaremos un almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. A continuación, traslado a una granja de renos donde sus criadores lapones nos hablarán donde su modo de vida. Realizaremos un paseo en trineo y aprenderemos sobre la vida de los renos y sus pastores. Resto de la tarde libre que pueden aprovechar para practicar esquí de fondo (disponible el material en el complejo para su uso) o disfrutar de una sauna moderna y piscina (disponible mediante reserva y pago de 16.30 a 18.30 horas todos los días). Pueden reservar, también en el complejo (bajo disponibilidad y pago), la sauna de humo o la sauna de leña. Cena en la villa. Alojamiento.

Snowmobile Safari

Día 4. Virkkula. Safari en moto de nieve y encuentro con Santa Claus

Desayuno buffet en la villa. En el día de hoy realizaremos una de las excursiones más espectaculares del viaje, un safari en moto de nieve. Para ello, nos proveerán de cascos y guantes y tras las instrucciones de los guías, iniciaremos nuestro paseo en moto de nieve. Los adultos conduciremos las motos (2 personas por moto) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la moto de nieve del guía. Durante el trayecto podremos sentir la potencia de estas máquinas y disfrutar de los bosques nevados y lagos helados. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión. Por la tarde llegará el momento que todos los niños estaban esperando. Nos trasladaremos al pueblo de Vuotunki donde se encuentra la casa de Santa Claus, al lado de un gran lago helado. En las laderas del lago, al caer la nieve, se forman grandes toboganes naturales en los que los niños, y no tan niños podrán disfrutar tirándose en trineos. Ha llegado el momento de entrar en la casa donde Santa nos estará esperando. Al entrar, nos recibe un elfo, ayudante de Santa Claus, y nos conduce hasta el salón en el que conoceremos al mismísimo Santa. Con él pasaremos un buen rato, nos contará historias y nos enseñará alguna canción. La Sra. Claus es una experta cocinera y hoy nos enseñará su famosa receta de galletas navideñas, que, una vez hechas, podremos hornear en el gran horno de leña de la casa. Finalizada la visita, Santa entregará personalmente un regalo a cada niño. Con el recuerdo imborrable de esta visita nos despediremos de la familia Claus y emprenderemos el regreso a nuestro alojamiento. Cena en la villa. Alojamiento.

Santa Claus

Día 5. Virkkula / Kuusamo / España

Desayuno buffet. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. No nos podemos ir de Laponia sin practicar una relajante sauna. La sauna en Finlandia es toda una tradición. Aunque los fineses no la inventaron sí que son el país con mayor cantidad de saunas por habitante; casi una sauna por cada 2 habitantes y los que la practican con mayor asiduidad. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Kuusamo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino España. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

virkkula viajar a laponia

La belleza de la naturaleza de Virkkula es indescriptible: los densos bosques de pinos nevados, los ríos helados y las colinas suaves crean un paisaje idílico que parece sacado de un cuento de hadas. Durante tu estancia en Virkkula, podrás participar en una amplia variedad de actividades al aire libre, desde paseos en trineo de perros husky hasta safaris en motos de nieve. También podrás experimentar la pesca en un lago helado, caminar con raquetas de nieve y, por supuesto, visitar al propio Santa Claus en su casa en Korvatunturi. Pero Virkkula no es solo un destino para actividades al aire libre. La cultura y la gastronomía de la zona son igual de fascinantes. Podrás degustar platos típicos como la sopa de salmón y los panecillos de cardamomo, y conocer la artesanía local en talleres de cerámica, tejido y otras artes tradicionales.

Virkkula viajes a laponia

Northern Senses is a beautiful 6-hectare villa and hotel located by a lake and next to a national forest in Virkkula, a small idyllic village near the famous ski resort of Ruka and the city of Kuusamo in northern Finland, close to Lapland. The mansion has been renovated in 2021-2022. All rooms feature Smart TVs, WiFi, high-quality bathrobes, slippers, towels, and bathroom amenities. The villa is furnished with Finnish and Scandinavian design items, such as those from Alvar Aalto and Artek. Despite being located in a rural area, the facilities are modern and well-functioning.

Date Price from 
December 2 $6159
December 6 $6159
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight to Kuusamo
Departures from Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia
Snacks on board
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
Includes boots and thermal jumpsuit
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights accommodation in Villa Premium Northern Senses
Full board according to itinerary 
All activities, excursions and safaris according to the program
Snowmobile Safari and Meet Santa Claus
Ice fishing and snowshoeing
A gift from Santa Claus for each child aged 11 and under
Complete online documentation and gifts
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
You'll be interested to know
Full board accommodation (including water jug), except for lunch on the last day as specified in the itinerary.
The prices of optional activities are valid for bookings made up to 30 days before departure, subject to availability.
The modern sauna with pool and smoke sauna are not included in the price. They can be reserved and paid for at the resort.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
Flight schedules may be subject to changes. They will be confirmed prior to the departure date.
Prices are valid for a minimum group size of 15 people.
The prices for snowmobile and sleigh excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age, based on their weight and height, will ride in a sleigh pulled by the guide's snowmobile. A valid European driver's license for cars is required to drive snowmobiles and must be carried during the excursion.
All snowmobiles have comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as snow or ice accumulation) and for safety reasons, excursions may experience changes in itineraries, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
When the group size is very large, it may be divided into smaller groups for operational convenience. The timing or order of services during excursions may be altered for this reason, without changing the content of the excursion. Your guides on-site will inform you in advance of the excursion schedules.
The organizer does not guarantee weather conditions, snow or ice accumulation to carry out the offered excursions. In the event that force majeure prevents the completion of an excursion and it must be canceled, an alternative activity will be provided or a refund will be given upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled or partially reduced if conditions do not allow for its complete execution.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted incurs high fines, which can amount to up to €4500 per person.
The customer is responsible for the cabin keys, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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