Early December in Rukan Salonki

Fantastic trip to Lapland to enjoy exclusive departures from Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia on December 2nd and 6th. Accommodation in cabins at the Rukan Salonki resort and with the best activities that the country of magic can offer us.

Approximate price per family:
5480 $

The month of December is an ideal time to travel to Lapland and enjoy a fantastic trip to the land of Santa Claus in the days leading up to Christmas. We will be staying at the Rukan Salonki resort, which is arguably the best in Finland in terms of authenticity, space, comfort, service, and location. Its enormous cabins made of authentic log wood are practically unique constructions in Lapland. There is no other resort in all of Lapland with cabins like these. Inside the cabins, the decoration is carefully crafted, always adhering to the customs and folklore of the local Sami (Lapland) culture. You will hardly find a better place to stay in Lapland than Rukan Salonki, but it's important to avoid comparing it to other destinations or countries because, despite being a "snow destination," the type of accommodation in Lapland differs significantly from the more elegant standards found in exclusive resorts in the Alps or American mountains. Visit Lapland and experience the magic firsthand.

Day 1. Spain / Kuusamo / Ruka

Arrival at the airport. Meet with Catai staff who will assist you with the simple check-in procedures. Departure on a special direct flight to Kuusamo. Snack included on board. Meet your guide and transfer to the Rukan Salonki resort (approximately 20 minutes). Arrival. In your accommodation, you will find thermal suits in your size that you can use throughout your stay in Lapland. Once settled, we will enjoy a delicious buffet dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 2. Ruka. Arctic Animals: Husky and Reindeer Safari

Breakfast at the hotel. We will start our adventure in Lapland with a visit to a husky farm. Upon arrival at the camp, we will be greeted by the enthusiastic barks of the dogs. Surrounded by nature, they will explain the instructions for driving and safety before starting the sleigh ride. The team consists of two people, a musher and a passenger (they can switch places during the ride). After the excitement and speed of the start, you will soon relax and enjoy the surroundings. Once back at the camp, we can enjoy a comforting hot drink in a kota. Light lunch during the excursion.

Traveling through beautiful forests and over frozen lakes, we will arrive at a traditional reindeer farm. We will take a sleigh ride pulled by these endearing animals while the herders tell us stories about their life and sustenance, the oldest in Lapland. Free time until dinner. In the resort, you have an illuminated toboggan slide and free-to-use inner tubes. On the frozen lake, you can try the Finnish carousel, where one person sits while the other spins it, and you can also use the traditional and authentic "kick-sledges," a type of sled. Buffet dinner at the Kultala restaurant. Accommodation.

Day 3. Ruka. Meeting with Santa Claus, ice fishing, and snowshoeing.

Breakfast at the hotel. Today is the day the little ones have been waiting for. We will transfer to a secret location near Ruka, a small complex of houses and cabins with wonderful winter views. There is a toboggan area for children to play while waiting to see Santa. In his house, Santa will be accompanied by Mrs. Claus, with whom we can prepare cookies and Christmas decorations. They will tell us about life in Lapland. Each family will have some time with Santa to chat and take photos. Each child (under 11 years old) will receive a gift from this endearing character. With the indelible memory of this visit, we say goodbye to Santa Claus and return to our accommodation. Return to Rukan Salonki resort and enjoy a light lunch at the hotel restaurant.

In the afternoon, we will engage in an activity that is enjoyed by both adults and children: snowshoeing through the snow to reach one of the best ice fishing spots in Ruka, Lake Veskajärvi. We will meet our fishing guide at the laavu, a shelter they have set up on the lakeshore. First, we will receive instructions on how to use the small fishing rods, bait, and the "kaira," which is the drill used to make holes in the ice. Then, it's our turn to find the best spot and try our luck on the ice. The lake is home to perch and pike, both natural inhabitants of the area. In the laavu, we will enjoy a warm beverage around a campfire to keep ourselves warm. Afterward, we will return to the hotel for dinner. Buffet dinner will be served at the Kultala restaurant. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 4. Ruka. Lunch in a kota and snowmobile safari

Breakfast at the hotel. Free time to enjoy the sauna or perhaps take advantage of some downhill skiing at the Ruka alpine ski resort, located 15 minutes from your accommodation. Skiing in Ruka is easy, as the slopes are typically open from October until almost the end of May, with many of them illuminated. Your guide can provide advice on schedules, prices, etc. Lift tickets and ski equipment can be purchased by the hour. It's time to put on your thermal clothing again to enjoy an incredible day outdoors. We will have a light lunch in a traditional Sami kota, which are the typical tents of the Sami people (also known as Laplanders) and resemble Native American teepees. Afterward, we will embark on one of the most comprehensive excursions of this trip. The guides will explain how to use the snowmobiles (they are very easy to drive) and we will begin our journey. Adults will ride the snowmobiles (2 people per snowmobile who can take turns driving), and children will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile. Return to the hotel. Dinner buffet at the Kultala restaurant. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 5. Ruka / Kuusamo / Spain

Buffet breakfast. Free time until the scheduled transfer. We cannot leave Lapland without experiencing a relaxing sauna. Sauna is a tradition in Finland. Although the Finns did not invent it, they have the highest number of saunas per capita, with almost one sauna for every 2 inhabitants, and they are the most frequent sauna-goers. Departure to Kuusamo Airport. Check-in procedures and boarding on a direct flight to Spain. Snack on board included. Arrival and end of our adventure in Lapland.

El mes de diciembre es una época ideal para viajar a a Laponia y disfrutar de un fantástico viaje al país de Papa Noel en los días previos a la Navidad. Nos alojaremos en el complejo Rukan Salonki, probablemente el mejor de Finlandia, si nos atenemos a términos de autenticidad, espacio, confort, servicio y ubicación. Sus enormes cabañas de auténticos troncos de madera son construcciones prácticamente únicas en Laponia. No existe ningún otro complejo en toda Laponia con semejantes cabañas. Dentro de las cabañas la decoración está cuidada al detalle, pero ajustándose siempre a las costumbres y folclore local sami (lapón). Difícilmente encontrará en Laponia un lugar mejor para quedarse que Rukan Salonki, pero conviene alejarse de comparaciones con otros destinos o países pues, a pesar de tratarse de un destino “de nieve”, el tipo de alojamiento de Laponia difiere bastante del estándar más elegante que podemos encontrar en estaciones exclusivas de los Alpes o las montañas americanas. Visita Laponía y vive la magia en primera persona.

Día 1. España / Kuusamo / Ruka

Presentación en aeropuerto. Encuentro con personal de Catai que os ayudará con los sencillos trámites de facturación. Salida en vuelo especial directo a Kuusamo. Snack a bordo incluido. Encuentro con su guía y traslado al complejo de Rukan Salonki (aprox. 20min). Llegada. En vuestro alojamiento encontrareis los trajes térmicos de vuestra talla que podréis usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Una vez instalados degustaremos una deliciosa cena buffet en el restaurante del hotel. Alojamiento.

Día 2. Ruka. Animales árticos: Safari de huskies y renos

Desayuno en el hotel. Comenzaremos nuestra aventura en Laponia con una visita a una granja de perros huskies. A nuestra llegada al campamento, seremos recibidos por los ladridos entusiastas de los perros. Rodeado de naturaleza nos explicarán las instrucciones sobre la conducción y la seguridad antes de iniciar el recorrido en trineo. El equipo lleva dos personas, un musher y un pasajero (pueden cambiar de lugar durante el recorrido). Después de la emoción y la velocidad del comienzo, pronto comenzaréis a relajaros y disfrutaréis del entorno. Una vez de regreso al campamento, podremos degustar una reconfortante bebida caliente en una kota. Almuerzo ligero durante la excursión.

Viajando por hermosos bosques y sobre lagos cubiertos de hielo llegaremos a una granja tradicional de renos. Daremos un paseo en trineo tirado por estos entrañables animales, mientras los pastores nos cuentan historias sobre su vida y sustento, el más antiguo de Laponia. Tiempo libre hasta la hora de la cena. En el complejo disponéis de una pista iluminada de toboganes para deslizaros y flotadores de libre uso. En el lago helado podéis probar el carrusel finlandés, una persona va sentada y otra la hace girar y también podréis utilizar los “kick-sledges”, el más tradicional y auténtico medio de transporte, tipo trineo. Cena buffet en el restaurante Kultala. Alojamiento.

Día 3. Ruka. Encuentro con Santa Claus, pesca en hielo y raquetas de nieve

Desayuno en el hotel. Hoy es el día que los más pequeños estaban esperando. Nos trasladaremos hasta un lugar secreto cercano a Ruka. Un pequeño complejo de casas y cabañas con maravillosas vistas invernales. Existe una zona de toboganes para que los niños puedan jugar mientras esperan para ver a Santa. En su casa nos estarán Santa con la Sra. Claus, con quien podremos preparar galletas y decoraciones navideñas, nos contarán como es la vida en Laponia. Cada familia podrá pasar un rato con él, charlar y tomar unas fotos. Cada niño (menos de 11 años) recibirá un regalo de manos de este entrañable personaje. Con el recuerdo imborrable de esta visita nos despedimos de Santa Claus para regresar a nuestro alojamiento. Regreso al complejo de Rukan Salonki y almuerzo ligero en el restaurante del hotel.

Por la tarde, realizaremos una actividad que gusta tanto a mayores como a pequeños, caminaremos por la nieve con raquetas de nieve para acceder a uno de los mejores lugares para practicar la pesca en hielo en Ruka, el lago Veskajärvi. Nos encontraremos con el guía de pesca en el laavu, un cobertizo que tienen para refugiarse en la orilla. Primero recibiremos instrucciones para aprender a usar las pequeñas cañas de pescar y los cebos, así como la “kaira”, que es el taladro para hacer los agujeros en el hielo. Después es nuestro turno para encontrar el mejor lugar y probar suerte sobre el hielo. El lago es el hogar de percas y lucios, ambos habitantes naturales. En el laavu podremos degustar una bebida caliente alrededor de una fogata para entrar en calor. Regreso al hotel. Cena buffet en el restaurante Kultala. Alojamiento.

Día 4. Ruka. Almuerzo en kota y safari en motos de nieve

Desayuno en el hotel. Tiempo libre para disfrutar de la sauna o tal vez queráis aprovechar para hacer algunas bajadas de esquí en la estación de esquí alpino de Ruka, situada a 15 minutos de vuestro alojamiento. Os resultará sencillo esquiar. Ruka suele tener sus pistas abiertas desde octubre hasta casi finales de mayo y muchas de ellas iluminadas. Vuestro guía os puede asesorar sobre horarios, precios, etc… Tanto el ticket de remontadores como el material de esquí se pueden adquirir por horas. Toca ponerse de nuevo la ropa térmica para disfrutar de un día increíble al aire libre. Disfrutaremos de un almuerzo ligero en una kota lapona, que son las típicas tiendas de los Sami (laponés) con forma similar a los teepees o tiendas de los indios americanos. A continuación, realizaremos una de las excursiones más completas de este viaje. Primero los guías nos explicarán el uso de las motos de nieve (son muy sencillas de conducir) y comenzaremos nuestro recorrido. Los adultos pilotan las motos (2 personas por moto que pueden turnarse para conducir) y los niños viajan en un trineo que arrastra la moto de nieve del guía. Regreso al hotel. Cena buffet en el restaurante Kultala. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Ruka / Kuusamo / España

Desayuno buffet. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. No nos podemos ir de Laponia sin practicar una relajante sauna. La sauna en Finlandia es toda una tradición. Aunque los fineses no la inventaron sí que son el país con mayor cantidad de saunas por habitante; casi una sauna por cada 2 habitantes y los que la practican con mayor asiduidad. Salida hacia el aeropuerto de Kuusamo. Trámites de facturación y salida en vuelo directo con destino España. Snack a bordo incluido. Llegada y fin de nuestra aventura en Laponia.

Rukan Salonki

In Ruka, we offer you the perfect accommodation for a family getaway. Rukan Salonki cabin complex offers wooden cabins in the heart of nature, where you can enjoy all the comforts of home, luxury, and privacy. All cabins are built with large logs, offering a typical Lapland panoramic view, and they are beautifully decorated and fully equipped. Within a 2km radius of the cabins, you will find the center of Ruka Village ski resort, which you can easily reach by walking (approximately 15 minutes) or by taking the Ski Bus that passes near the cabins (100-300 meters) and takes you to the center of Ruka Village completely free of charge.

Throughout the area, there are cross-country skiing tracks for anyone who wants to take a walk through the Lapland forest. It is the ideal place for a romantic getaway. All cabins have a sauna and WC (one or several). Although the cabins offer a pure Lapland nature experience, far from any sense of crowds or congestion, the nearby Ruka Village area offers a wide range of activities and entertainment, including a variety of bars, restaurants, spa services, saunas, and recreational facilities.

  • Rukan Salonki - Cabin 11. Two log cabins of 70m² each. Each cabin has 3 double rooms (2 beds in each room) with private WC and shower. They have a living room with a fireplace, equipped kitchen, TV screen, DVD, etc. Sauna with showers.

Departures on December 02 and 06, 2023 from Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia
Price per person From $2740
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
from 21 days before, 100%
Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia to Kuusamo (roundtrip)
English and Spanish-speaking escort guide during the trip
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay (including boots and jumpsuit)
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights in selected accommodation in Rukan Salonki
Full board according to itinerary
All activities, excursions and safaris according to the program
Husky sledding safari
Reindeer sleigh ride
Ice fishing
Private meeting with Santa Claus
1 gift per child aged 11 or under
Final cleaning of the accommodation
1 Entrance to the Hotel Spa
Complete online documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule departure Madrid December 2, 2023
12/02/2023 Madrid 09:00 Kuusamo 14:45
12/06/2023 Kuusamo 15:45 Madrid 19:35
Flight schedule departure Barcelona December 2, 2023
12/02/2023 Barcelona 09:00 Kuusamo 14:35
12/06/2023 Kuusamo 15:40 Barcelona 19:15
Flight schedule departure Madrid December 06, 2023
12/06/2023 Madrid 09:00 Kuusamo 14:45
12/10/2023 Kuusamo 15:45 Madrid 19:35
Flight schedule departing Valencia on December 6, 2023
12/06/2023 Valencia 09:00 Kuusamo 14:45
12/10/2023 Kuusamo 15:00 Valencia 18:55
You'll be interested to know
Full board (with jug of water included), except lunch on the last day as specified in the itinerary.
Daily cleaning and change of sheets and towels (not included in the price)
The prices of optional activities are valid for reservations made up to 30 days before departure subject to availability of places.
The order (but not the content) of the excursions may vary from this itinerary.
The prices for snowmobile and sled excursions are based on two people sharing the vehicle.
The minimum age for driving snowmobiles is 18 years old. Children below this age, depending on their weight and height, will ride in a sled pulled by the guide's snowmobile.
It is mandatory to have a valid European driver's license for cars in order to drive the snowmobiles and to carry it during the excursion.
All snowmobiles have comprehensive insurance with a deductible of €1000, for which each participant is responsible in case of an accident.
Due to weather conditions (such as snow or accumulated ice) and for safety reasons, excursions may experience changes in itinerary, duration, or even cancellations without prior notice.
The organizer does not guarantee the weather conditions, snow, or accumulated ice necessary to carry out the offered excursions or safaris. In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the realization of an excursion, and it must be canceled, an alternative activity will be offered or the amount will be refunded upon return; either in full if the activity is canceled or partially if the conditions do not allow for its complete realization.
Smoking in accommodations where it is not permitted may result in high fines, which can amount up to €4500 per person.
The client is responsible for the cabin keys, and in case of loss, compensation will be requested.


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