Wilderness Inari

The Wilderness Hotel Inari is located in the heart of Sami land, in the deepest Lapland, a sensational destination to enjoy extraordinary activities in nature and to find the Aurora Borealis. Choose the best Lapland experience for your trip during the December holidays #SantaClausInLapland.

Approximate price per family:
4780 $

Inari is a small town located in the Lapland region in northern Finland. It is known for its stunning natural beauty and its connection to the Sami culture, the indigenous people of the region. In particular, Inari is famous for its namesake lake, which is the third-largest lake in Finland and is sacred to the Sami. In addition to the lake, Inari has many other natural attractions, such as mountains, forests, and rivers. Visitors can explore the region on hikes, bike rides, or canoe trips. There are also opportunities for fishing and hunting. Inari is also an important cultural center for the Sami. The Siida Museum is a popular attraction, showcasing the history and culture of the Sami through interactive exhibits and educational programs. Visitors can also participate in traditional activities such as net fishing, berry picking, and handicrafts. Inari is a popular tourist destination for those seeking a unique experience in nature and Sami culture.

Wilderness Hotel Inari offers an exquisite combination of quality accommodation with pristine nature and arctic activities. The location just five minutes from the Sami village of Inari makes this top-class resort the ideal starting point for immersing oneself in Sami culture. At Wilderness Hotel Inari, they will ensure that your Lapland vacation is unforgettable.

Day 1. Beginning of the Great Arctic Adventure. Zaragoza, Ivalo, Inari.

Meet at Zaragoza airport. Assistance from our team with check-in procedures. At the scheduled time, board a direct special flight to Ivalo. Snack on board with drinks included. Upon arrival, meet our guide and transfer to the village of Inari, where our accommodation, Wilderness Inari Hotel, is located. Pick up the thermal equipment that can be used throughout the stay in Lapland. Inari is 300 km north of the Arctic Circle. It is a small village on the shores of the lake that bears the same name (Inari). Located just 30 minutes from Ivalo Airport, Inari is known for being the center of Sami culture in Lapland. Its low light pollution increases the chances of seeing the Northern Lights, which are said to appear 200 nights a year. Let's hope we get lucky during our stay... Dinner at the resort restaurant and overnight stay.

renos inari lapland

Day 2. Reindeer Farm and Cross-Country Skiing.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We will head to the reindeer farm, where the Sami breeder will welcome us. We can feed these animals and see the newborns that are born each year around May. We will end this visit with a sleigh ride. Each sled is pulled by a single reindeer, and each reindeer has its own name. This sleigh ride is ideal for enjoying the snowy landscape. Lunch at our hotel. Brief free time to rest before heading out on an excursion to the cross-country skiing tracks. Cross-country skiing is very easy, even for those who have never tried it before. We will enjoy the snow practicing this activity with our qualified teachers. Return to our hotel. Free time. Dinner at the resort's restaurant and accommodation.

safari perros huskies

Day 3. Husky sled safari and snowshoeing activity.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We will depart for a wonderful excursion that will be hard to forget. We will travel to a husky farm where we will ride on a traditional sled pulled by these eager friends. Each adult participant will drive their own sled, with two people per sled alternating their position as musher (driver). Well-trained huskies can pull up to seven times their own weight and are very docile! They are the dogs that most resemble wolves, with their pointed ears, penetrating gaze, and pronounced snout. They can have one eye of each color. We will return to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon, we will have a fun activity in the snow. We will go snowshoeing on a peaceful walk to enjoy nature and observe the surroundings. We'll try to find animal tracks to follow their trail. Rest of the afternoon free. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Accommodation.

encuentro inari santa claus

Day 4. The big day has arrived! Snowmobile excursion, ice fishing, and meeting with Santa Claus.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. We start the day with a snowmobile excursion. They are very easy to drive and do not have gears. Children can enjoy in a sled led by the guide through the snowy forests and frozen lakes. Return to the hotel for lunch. In the afternoon, we will be transferred to a frozen lake where a local fisherman will teach us how to fish with nets under the ice. First, each of us will have to make a hole in the ice and then try to fish. We can also have fun in the area designated for sledging. Return to the hotel and free time to rest. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. Finally, the most anticipated moment for everyone will arrive… the meeting with Santa Claus. Each family, in private, can spend some time with this endearing character. We can chat, give him our letter, take photos with him, and show him everything we have learned during this trip. Each child will receive a gift. Accommodation.

Day 5. Inari, Ivalo, Zaragoza.

Buffet breakfast at the hotel. Free time until the indicated time for the transfer. Transfer to Ivalo airport. Check-in and boarding procedures. Departure on a direct flight to Zaragoza. Snacks and drinks on board. Arrival. End of the trip.

Inari Laponia

Inari es una pequeña ciudad ubicada en la región de Laponia, en el norte de Finlandia. Es conocida por su impresionante belleza natural y su conexión con la cultura sami, el pueblo indígena de la región. En particular, Inari es famosa por su lago del mismo nombre, que es el tercer lago más grande de Finlandia y es sagrado para los sami.¡ Además del lago, Inari tiene muchos otros atractivos naturales, como montañas, bosques y ríos. Los visitantes pueden explorar la región en caminatas, en bicicleta o en canoa. También hay oportunidades para la pesca y la caza. Inari también es un importante centro cultural para los sami. El Museo Siida es una atracción popular, que muestra la historia y la cultura de los sami a través de exposiciones interactivas y programas educativos. Los visitantes también pueden participar en actividades tradicionales, como la pesca con redes, la recolección de bayas y la artesanía. Inari es un destino turístico popular para aquellos que buscan una experiencia única en la naturaleza y la cultura sami.


Wilderness Hotel Inari ofrece una exquisita combinación de alojamiento de calidad con naturaleza prístina y actividades árticas. La ubicación a solo cinco minutos del pueblo sámi de Inari hace de este resort de primera categoría el punto de partida ideal para sumergirse en la cultura sámi. En Wilderness Hotel Inari se asegurarán de que tus vacaciones en Laponia sean inolvidables.

Día 1. Inicio de la gran aventrua ártica. Zaragoza, Ivalo, Inari. 

Presentación en aeropuerto de Zaragoza. Asistencia de nuestro equipo en los trámites de facturación. A la hora indicada salida en vuelo especial directo a Ivalo. Snack a bordo con bebidas incluidas. Llegada, encuentro con nuestro guía y traslado al pueblo de Inari, donde se encuentra nuestro alojamiento, Wilderness Inari Hotel. Recogida de la equipación térmica que podrán usar durante toda la estancia en Laponia. Inari se encuentra a 300 km al Norte del Círculo Polar Ártico. Es un pequeño pueblo a orillas del lago que lleva su mismo nombre (Inari). A escasos 30 minutos del Aeropuerto de Ivalo; Inari es conocido por ser el centro de la cultura Sami en Laponia. Su baja contaminación lumínica favorece el posible avistamiento de Auroras Boreales. Dicen que hacen acto de presencia 200 noches al año. A ver si hay suerte durante nuestra estancia…. Cena en el restaurante del complejo y alojamiento.

renos inari lapland

Día 2. Granja de renos y esquí de fondo.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Saldremos hacía la granja de renos. Al llegar el criador lapón nos dará la bienvenida. Podremos dar de comer a estos animales y ver las crías que nacen cada año sobre el mes de mayo. Terminaremos esta visita con un paseo en trineo. Cada trineo está tirado por un solo reno y cada reno tiene su propio nombre. Este paseó en trineo es ideal para disfrutar del paisaje nevado. Almuerzo en nuestro hotel. Breve tiempo libre para descansar, antes de realizar una excursión a las pistas de esquí de fondo. Practicar esquí de fondo es muy fácil, incluso para los que no lo hayan probado nunca. Disfrutaremos de la nieve practicando esta actividad con nuestros profesores titulados. Regreso a nuestro hotel. Tiempo libre. Cena en el restaurante del complejo y alojamiento.

safari perros huskies

Día 3. Safari en trineos de perros huskies y actividad de raquetas de nieve.

Desayuno buffet en hotel. Salida para realizar una maravillosa excursión que será difícil de olvidar. Nos trasladaremos a una granja de perros huskies. Viajaremos en un auténtico trineo tirado por estos ansiosos amigos. Cada participante adulto conducirá su propio trineo. 2 personas por trineo que alternan su posición del musher (conductor). ¡Los huskies bien entrenados pueden tirar hasta siete veces su propio peso y son muy dóciles! Son los perros que más nos recuerdan a los lobos, con sus orejas puntiagudas, su mirada penetrante y su hocico pronunciado. Pueden tener un ojo de cada color. Regresamos al hotel para la comida. Y por la tarde, tendremos una divertida actividad en la nieve. Nos espera un paseo en raquetas de nieve. Será un paseo tranquilo para que podamos disfrutar de la naturaleza y observar el entorno. Encontrar huellas de animales para poder seguir su rastro. Resto de la tarde libre. Cena en el restaurante del complejo. Alojamiento.

encuentro inari santa claus

Día 4. ¡Ha llegado el gran día! Excursión en motos de nieve, pesca en hielo y encuentro con Santa Claus.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Comenzamos el día con una excursión en motos de nieve. Son muy fáciles de conducir, no tienen marchas. Los pequeños podrán disfrutar en un trineo que llevará el guía por los bosques nevados y los lagos helados. Regreso al hotel para el almuerzo. Por la tarde, traslado hasta un lago helado donde un pescador local nos enseñará como pescar con las redes bajo el hielo. Primero cada uno tendremos que hacer un agujero en el hielo y después intentar pescar. También podremos divertirnos en la zona habilitada para tirarnos con trineos. Regreso al completo y tiempo libre para descansar. Cena en el restaurante del hotel. Por fin llegará en momento más esperado por todos… El encuentro con Santa Claus. Cada familia, de forma privada, podrá pasar un rato con este entrañable personaje. Charlar, darle nuestra carta, hacernos fotos con él y enseñarle todo lo que hemos aprendido durante este viaje. Cada niño recibirá un regalo. Alojamiento.

Día 5. Inari, Ivalo, Zaragoza.

Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Tiempo libre hasta la hora indicada para el traslado. Traslado al aeropuerto de Ivalo. Tramites de facturación y embarque. Salida en vuelo directo con destino Zaragoza. Snacks y bebidas a bordo. Llegada. Fin del viaje.

Inari Laponia

kelo inari cabañas viajar a laponia

The Wilderness Hotel Inari is located in the heart of Sami land in Lapland, an ideal place to engage in nature activities and see the Northern Lights. Situated on the shores of Lake Inari, it is about 3 kilometers from the town center. The Wilderness Hotel Inari opened on December 20, 2017, and features 12 Aurora cabins (cabins with glass roofs for viewing the Northern Lights from inside), 40 rooms, and 8 traditional Lappish log cabins. In addition, there are 22 attached cabins. The rooms are spacious, comfortable, and elegant, with rustic décor inspired by the arctic nature of the surroundings, evoking the spirit of Lapland.

habitacion hotel wilderness inari

Double Rooms (1-3 people): Double rooms with a decoration inspired by the Arctic nature. They have heating, TV, toilet and shower. Possibility to add an extra bed. (approx. 30 m2). Maximum recommended capacity: 2 adults + 1 child.

Arctic Chalets (2-4 people): Semi-detached chalet designed to blend in with Lapland's nature. It has one bedroom, a living room with a fireplace and large panoramic windows. Possibility to add a sofa bed for 2 people. Maximum recommended capacity: 2 adults + 2 children.

Log Cabin (4-6 people): Large wooden log cabins with a spacious living room with a fireplace and a fully equipped kitchen. It has a separate bedroom on the ground floor and a loft with a maximum capacity of 4 single beds.

Aurora Cabin (2-3 people): With a direct view of the northern sky, these cabins are an exclusive way to experience Lapland. The glass roof guarantees that you can enjoy the view of the sky even in low temperatures. They are equipped with a double bed and a sofa bed. It has a bathroom with a shower.

restaurante Inari puente diciembre

From inside the restaurant, the view towards Lake Inari is spectacular. The excellent restaurant of the Wilderness Hotel Inari is inspired by the cuisine of Lapland, using local ingredients always according to the season, which ensures dishes with fresh and tasty ingredients. Delicacies that come from the land surrounding the hotel and the lake that has given and still gives life to those who have lived and live on its shores. Apart from the great menu, the most attractive feature of the restaurant is the large windows overlooking the lake, which allows for enjoying wonderful views while enjoying meals.


Program from December 03 to 07

Prices double room

Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $4780
1 adult + 2 children $6980
2 adults $5190
2 adults + 1 child $7380
Prices Artic Chalets
Family Precio
1 adult + 1 child $5635
1 adult + 2 children $8255
2 adults $6040
2 adults + 1 child $8650
2 adults + 2 children $11270
Price Aurora Cabin / Log Cabin
Family Price
1 adult + 1 child $5975
1 adult + 2 children $8765
2 adults $6380
2 adults + 1 child $9160
2 adults + 2 children $11950
Conditions of Cancelation
until August 31, free of charge
from September 1 to September 30, 15%
from October 1 to October 31, 25%
from November 1 to 22 days before, 50%
cancellation from 21 days before, 100%


Contact us for more information
This grand experience includes
Direct flight from Zaragoza
Snacks with drinks
English and Spanish-speaking guide at destination
All transfers
Thermal suit throughout the stay
Includes boots and thermal jumpsuit
Snowmobile helmet and gloves
4 nights in Inari Wilderness
Full board (according to program)
All activities, excursions and safaris
Snowmobile safari
Husky sleigh ride
Reindeer sleigh ride
Cross country ski
Snowshoe excursion 
Ice fishing
Encuentro privado Santa Claus
1 gift per child
Aurora alarm per room
Final cleaning of the cabin
Complete documentation
Travel assistance insurance
Airport taxes
SCIL® experience
Flight schedule
12/03/2023  Zaragoza 11:00 Ivalo 16:55
12/07/2023 Ivalo 16:10 Zaragoza 20:25


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